Mar 7 2006, 08:48 PM
This is an advertisement for a Shadowrun IRC campaign, with a few differences from the usual game.
For a while, I've been seeking a way to play AND GM at the same time. is what I propose.
This is a game that will be run as much by the players as it will by the GM. This game will have a story to it, with a specific goal in mind...but what I want is for the players, as much as myself, to decide HOW we get there. In other words, it isn't just the GM writing the story, it's you - the player - writing it as well. The players, if they so choose, can take complete control of the game and run with it, if they so choose, taking the characters off on little side trips, mini-adventures, whatever. You are limited only by your own imagination and the approval of the GM - which would be me.
Keep in mind that this WILL still be a Shadowrun campaign. The difference from the usual is that, while there will be a specific challenge to face (at some point) and a final foe to overcome (also at some point), getting there is fairly non-linear.
And how we (the characters) get there is up to everyone.
Sound like something you would be interested in? Then let me know.
Mar 8 2006, 10:00 PM
well i got me and someone lookin to get in on a group over the net so count us in
.... would we play with irc and dice bots or with a client like webrpg or openrpg
Mar 9 2006, 10:43 PM
This would be on IRC with dice bots. I'm working on character submission and general rules right now, and when I get them posted I'll put up the server and channel information.
Mar 11 2006, 02:43 AM
Well, here is a set of guidelines for this game. At some point, I'll be making a web site, as this will be a freely joinable game until there are too many players to handle.
1. What the GM or Ops say, goes. I don’t do things at random, so if I say something happens, it happens for a reason. Just like God. This rule applies for ANYONE who is GMing in the channel.
2. No autohitting…unless you’re the GM and have a good reason for doing it.
3. Absolutely NO killing of a character without the player’s permission. This rule ALSO applies to the GM. (I myself prefer to see characters live to suffer another day *evil chuckle*)
4. NO RULES LAWYERING. The GM reserves the right to obey, alter or break game rules in any way they see fit – even the core rule book says this. If you as a player have a problem with this, DO NOT PLAY.
5. Creativity is not only allowed, it is encouraged. This game is designed with that in mind. Feel free to throw in plot ideas, RP meetings with the friends of your characters, etc. to your heart’s content. RPing plots on your own is perfectly acceptable as long as it isn’t in the middle of designated game time.
6. If you have ANY questions whatsoever, feel free to ask. If you have a plotline you would like to see played out, be it between you and me or between you and another player, discuss it with an Op and get approval for it (which will most likely be given). If you want to GM the plotline yourself, GREAT!
7. No Player bashing (or character bashing, unless it’s in character). At any time. Violators of this rule will be kick/banned without warning or mercy.
8. Unless otherwise noted by the GM, all laws of Shadowrun reality will be obeyed (i.e. drain, dumpshock, etc.)
Character Creation
1. Characters must have a sheet in an easily readable format. .txt, Word docs, and HTML sheets are preferred, but image files of SR4 character sheets are quite acceptable as well.
2. Characters are to be in Shadowrun 4th edition format. If you are NOT familiar with this system and still wish to play, then let me know and I will give you a copy of the character creation system. Players are allowed 500 build points to build their characters with.
3. Customized character peripherals (or, to put it in simpler terms, things characters have that do not appear in the Shadowrun books – custom equipment, weapons, self-created spells, and the like) are allowed AND encouraged, provided you can give me a full description of whatever it is, as well as statistics . For instance, a custom-built rifle for a character should include the weapon’s damage values, ranges, and anything that adds a modifier. Also, it must meet my approval.
4. Pre-existing characters are allowed, with my approval.
5. Characters MUST have a sufficiently interesting background story. If you like, use the 20 questions, but I would like the characters to have a somewhat detailed amount of ‘life’ to them. I really like to see some effort here.
The gaming channel is on the EsperNet IRC server,, channel #Shadowland. If anyone has questions they would like to ask in person, I am online there usually after 5:00 PM Eastern time.
Mar 14 2006, 10:10 PM
To all those interested, I am currently taking character submissions. Sheets can be posted in this forum, or emailed to me at
Mar 17 2006, 11:23 PM
I'm new to shadowrun, but I'm really liking the setting. I'd be interested in playing in an IRC game if you'd allow me to learn. would that be possible?
Mar 19 2006, 01:02 AM
Very possible. You won't be the only one just learning the game - some of us are experienced, some new to it, but we're all just getting the feel of the new 4th edition system.