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Full Version: Twisted Minds needs one more
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Welcome to the Shadows
Twisted Minds: Act 0 appears to have had a player drop. Consensus among the remaining players, as near as I've been able to establish it, looks to be to get a replacement.

The character you would be replacing was Codger, the seasoned veteran street samurai. Your character concept does not necessarily need to be a street samurai. But the group has asked for the following characteristics:


Lots of skills, won't die in a firefight, not a hacker.

I'll add that we already have two breaking and entering specialists, so it would be good to avoid that archtype as well.

The assumption is that Codger was called away on some important matter, and in order to save face for not abandoning a run, has hired you as a replacement. As such, you will be getting paid with the other runners (minus Codger's "reasonable" finder's fee of course!) The run is in progress, with most of the legwork already done. There is good potential for continuation of this setting, so bear that in mind when creating a character.

Here is the original recruitment thread:
Recruitment for Twisted Minds: Act 0

So, give me your character concepts, and we'll go from there.
Maybe you should detail a bit what kind of skills the character should have. biggrin.gif

Wounded Ronin
If it's SR3 I'll gladly jump in. If it's SR4 I can't. In fact, if it's SR3, I'll make up a basic physad from memory and have it posted all in one sitting. nyahnyah.gif

I'm pretty desperate for a game.

EDIT: Dammit, it's SR4. I can't play then.
Hi, I play in this game.

We discussed it a bit in the recent OOC thread (feel free to read it if you're interested).. .but basically, we lost our street sam, and need a new PC to enter the story.

We felt that, ideally, he'd be replaced by someone with similar skills, but really, so long as the new meat isnt' stepping too closely on on our toes, it'd be fun to get some new skills too. biggrin.gif

That's where the "not a hacker" part came from. I'm currently playing a hacker, and doing a pretty good job of it. Someone else coudl probably make a better one, but it'd be sad if they did. smile.gif

Maybe it would be helpful if we posted little descriptions of our character concepts so potential players would know which archtypes are covered?
QUOTE (Wounded Ronin)
If it's SR3 I'll gladly jump in.  If it's SR4 I can't.  In fact, if it's SR3, I'll make up a basic physad from memory and have it posted all in one sitting.  nyahnyah.gif

I'm pretty desperate for a game.

SR4, sorry.
Sent a pm to Feshy.
yeah, if it helps any, i've got utility magic decently covered, as well as minor summoning.

a more combat focused mage wouldn't hurt us any i don't think, though it would leave us with the area of all-around useful guy (skills and equipment) not quite as thoroughly covered as i might like.
My first thought was an adept or cybernetics gunslinger, but a pure combat mage would be very interesting - although my first.

Overall, the background idea I had for the character was that he was more or less a hitman for X faction that could be hired or favoured in by a fixer.

I'd need to read up on your campaign a little more to actually make a solid background.
In more or less FILO order:

As I said in my reply to Gretik message (but I will state again here for anyone else who might wish to apply) the only mob connection in this run so far is trying to keep someone *alive* -- so a hitman, especially a mob hitman, is an unlikely choice of replacement.

Combat mage might be doable, though I have to say if Codger left this group and sent in a full-fledged combat mage in his place, they are going to become ultra-paranoid about what is going down. smile.gif Up to this point, everyone but Codger (the character being replaced) is just entering the shadowrunning profession.

Yes, it's SR4 -- sorry, should have said so in the first post.

I left out the skills the character *should* have in order to give the potential new player more breathing room. Pretty much anything but hacking and B&E is okay, though as Jaid said, he has magic covered decently as well too.

In a nutshell, I think the other players want someone ELSE to be the most likely target if and when lead starts to fly, whereas I, as the GM, would like a player who doesn't have to take public transportation to get to the run . . .
Driving is a perfectly dandy skill, fairly simple to take too as well as gelling with the gunslinger concept.
O hyes. Get a nuyen.gif 85,000 tricked out sports car. smile.gif *rubs his hands together* Should anything happen to you, I promise to take good care of her.
particularly if you happen to make that something happen?

and particularly if you should happen to get an account on his commlink first, so you can very easily spoof your way into the car?

*note to self: clear commlink _before_ buying anything nice =P
"Get an account on commlink"... "Exploit my way into a dead man's commlink"... difference of maybe a day. biggrin.gif
Why do I feel this sudden impulse of fear and gloom...
QUOTE (Gretik)
Why do I feel this sudden impulse of fear and gloom...

You haven't met Bubbles yet!
I'm tempted although never played 4ed (in fact the 4ed BBB is in the post atm *8->) so it might take me a while to read the new rules and get a character together so I'll stand aside for anyone else til I can get Feshy a character sheet that's not completely illegal *8->

As for concept it'd be a totally new to both Seattle and running ex merc, high cyber and skills which seems to be roughly what you're looking for although background/personality/etc can easily be changed to fit better with Feshy's game plan *8->
Anyhow, I sent a pm with an idea - possibly a smooth talking face man styled character with underneath a fair bit of firearms skill. Possibly previously hired as a cleaner for jobs that went wrong, or someone put in to keep it from going that far.
Well my BBB arrived yesterday and in a flurry of RPG withdrawl I whipped a character together so I'll try and getting it balanced and sensible and try and mail it over to you Feshy unless the space is taken already in which case, good luck guys and I'll be watching the Bubbles fun *8->
Go ahead and send it, Callidus -- you'll be in competition with Gretik, but competition is good (according to our capitalist overlords anyway. And hey, if you can't trust your overlords, who can you trust?)
hehe, I'll try to get background and sheet over to you tonight.... flu not withstanding *8->
Sent mine in a while ago and got it all fixed up, just waiting on the word back nyahnyah.gif
Is it too late to apply for the replacement role? I'd love to bring in some muscle, thinking of a ork street sam that uses long arms and shotguns. And the rules sound easy enough, lots of skills, non-hacking, non B&E?
Not too late at all. In fact, I'm about to go out of town for a week, so no decisions will be made until I return next thursday. That's later than I'd planned to wait, but these things happen sometimes.

I'm just sorry I'll only be able to pick one this time around. But things are looking good for being able to run Act 1 once Act 0 wraps up; so if you don't get in this time, it looks like there will be a next time!
Awesome! that's cool, I was wondering if there was a way I could see which skills I should get. I've got many things covered in my char. concept. Name's "Jack Spicer" Ork that talks with a slow british accent. He's as tough as they come, and quick reflexes. His strength is average for an ork, but he hits hard. He's a bit of a brute and doesn't pick up on many things right away. But he's not dumb, give him a workbench, he'll show you a few things.

He was in the military for a few years but was kicked out due to his Btl habit, even though they practically rebuilt him and trained him for so long. Since then, he's cleaned up his ways a bit and kicked the habit. He's been trying to find work, but he doesn't know many people, and has been alone for a while now. The only person he really knows is a girl who he had one date with, but she was nice enough to stay friendly with him.

If you want, I can put up a rough sketch of him. I've built him up to 378 bp. He's definitely very versatile, but I was wondering if there was something you'd definitely need (make special requests nyahnyah.gif). Also, between these skills, which would you prefer: social skills, disguise, demolitions, cybertechnology, medicine, and pilot ground? These are all fully within the range of his background but some are 1 and some are none, just curious about these. We don't want a full team of the same guy, If you know what I'm saying.
we do already have a face. now, it certainly wouldn't hurt to have another, because sometimes it pays to be able to have a face in two different places... but i would say disguise/stealth personally. or maybe demolitions. you definitely want to be able to spend edge for demolitions, so no skillwires for that =P
Guys I'm having trouble getting this character together I'll pot what I've got in a bit (when I get a chance to hide enough from the boss to type it in *8->) but I'll step outta the way for now until I can actually understand the rules. Sorry about this I did wanna join and I hate mucking people about like this *8-<
Okay base Char sheet over to Feshy, not certain it's any good but thought I'd put it in anyhoo for feedback if nothing else *8->
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