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Full Version: Anyone in Bangkok?
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > GM/Players Registry
otaku mike
Hello everyone.
As the title says : Anyone in Bangkok? for any kind of game? Even boardgames or CCGs (but I will not go as far as playing Yugiho...)?
I'm not looking for a shop, I know there is none. I looked through the city since 1 year... But maybe stranded players? I have the books, I'm willing to GM Shadowrun, Star Trek or BESM.
Just let me know.
otaku mike
Evil DV8, Evil wink.gif

I thought my loneliness would end soon when I saw a reply to my message. What a disapointment.
Why on earth did you choose my thread to do some testing? smile.gif

Well, anyone? else? PLEAAAAAAAAAASE...
Eh...sorry dude. smile.gif
Well there is some hope. I know that there is a rather large gathering of Magic players, the CCG. I have seen a bunch of young Thai kids playing in Future Park, Central, and I think I might have seen some at Phanthip. But this was a few months ago, and I am now back home in the US. If I were there maybe we could play some SR. Maybe at next Christmas time. wink.gif


If you want to get in contact w/ me use this email:
otaku mike
Instead of a new thread, better re-using the old one...
So, I give it another chance.

Anyone in Bangkok, even for vacations?
otaku mike
*bump* wobble.gif
Rice Bowl
If ever you have week-end long shadowrun sesions, I fly to Bangkok for the whole week-end.
otaku mike
I didn't do that since a decade smile.gif when I was still in lycée (equivalent of College IIRC). Since then, you know, real life combined with old age... wink.gif

Too bad though. But I don't think a weekend long game with only 1 GM & 1 player would be doable. Anyway, if you can convince a few friends to join you on the trip, I'll think about it.

I know other RPG players in Bangkok (and I play with them regularly), but the only game they want to play is D&D... So I play D&D too, for a lack of other options.

Rice Bowl
Je vais regulierement en Thailande, mais 1GM + 1 joueur ne m'interesse pas, en revanche, si t'as d'autres joueurs, je peux faire coincider mes deplacements en fonction des parties de Shadowrun seulement, pas de donj'!!
I hear that you spend one night in Bangkok, and everyone in the world gives you oysters.
QUOTE (Bigity @ Aug 18 2005, 07:22 AM)
I hear that you spend one night in Bangkok, and everyone in the world gives you oysters.

Dammit, now I have Chess running through my head! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!
Hey, I saw that musical once.

I liked it. smile.gif

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