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...if you click the "Last Post Info" link on the Forums front door. Just thought you'd like to know. It also looks like you can submit new topics, etc. You can also skim through all the topics by using the "Next Oldest" and "Next Newest" links.
Disregard; I should learn to look a little harder. smile.gif
Now that everybody has had some time to chill , will it ever be reopened or is it a done deal?
Talia Invierno
Since I could really, really use access to the links which other members gave in the "Freeware and shareware for building plans" thread smile.gif
If you want to chat, is a good site. It's hard on flaming, however.
A goodly number of us went to the "Underworld" site run by JrWoodchuck and Dude.
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