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Full Version: Mapping the arcology
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Community Projects
Since there's a minor groundswell of support out there, I'm recruiting for a project to do just what the board title says. I've formed up a board at, and am looking for people.

My skills (or why you should follow me): I am moderately proficient at CADding and have a copy of Vectorworks 9.5.3, which I will be using to CAD up the floorplans. I also have a copy of Brainscan and Renraku Arcology: Shutdown that I'll be able to use to pull canon information out of. Also, I'm obsessive and thus won't lose interest and wander off.

I'm looking for:

-People with extensive knowledge of the canon portion of the Arcology's layout

-People familiar with both office and apartment-style residential building construction, layout, etc.

-People familiar with Vectorworks (if I'm going to CAD up several hundred floors, I'm going to be hitting things I don't know now and then)

-People willing to stick with the project through thick and thin

-People who fall into more than one of the above catagories.

If you have any questions, feel free to respond to this thread. If you want to join, head over to the forum linked above and register, and then post in the Introductions thread with whatever you want us to know about yourself, but most importantly your skills as applicable to this project.
Here's to getting this project up and off the ground.

You've got me for the knowlege of the cannon, familiar with CAD programs (not Vectorworks, I use AutoCAD 2k2) I've got a general idea of office construction, and a few of my friends are graduated civil engineers, so they could probably give me a hand.
You've got me whenever I've got spare time dude.
\/\/007. Head on over to the board and register, and we're happy to have you on board.

Last call for people insane enough to want to help. Well, not really last— we'll always welcome new people— but after Thursday anyone new will have to be checked in by an admin. Join now while you can get your postingness on without waiting! wink.gif

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