Apr 21 2006, 07:03 PM
Hi I was wondering if any Shadowrun RPG fans and players would like to help me out with a idea for a new official Cyberpunk setting and world, one were the main setting is Vancover and Victoria BC Canada. The reason I made Vancouver the main campain city is the simple fact it has a very large Asian population and it's just as large as Seattle and Victoria well it's the captial of BC and it's were I live, besides if Vancouver is effected by a Cyberpunk future then it would effect Victoria as well.
Now this world and setting the real power like in Shadowrun are the Corporations, and North America is like the European Union without the Native American states and countries.
So what source books would I need?,
Apr 21 2006, 07:32 PM
The problem with running in out of V/V is that not many multi-nationals have head quarters there. If you wanted to design a game around eco-terrorism it is a great place to start. It is not really gritty either. V/V are too green and clean.
I recommend all of the corporate books, the sprawl survival guide.
Apr 22 2006, 09:25 PM
Well the main reason is that Vancover is home to William Gibson godfather of Cyberpunk, hense why one of the main Hacker equipment is known as a Gibsondyne boards.
This world does have mega corporations such as the one based in NCS, New Cofederated States is a famous for the chain of fast food Chicken. It also has Urban primates large base of them are in Vancover, Victoria is a enclave of the corp rich and wealthy while Vancover is mega spawl in 2250 which the setting start in.
I still need some general source books for Cyberpunk setting,
Apr 23 2006, 10:33 PM
You're not looking for Shadowrun books, right? Just general cyberpunk ficiton?
Apr 24 2006, 06:38 PM
An update on the original post the timeframe is 2050 of the setting and world, and it's still the default campain is Vancouver and Victoria so yes I'm looking for some general Cyberpunk source books and I guess some Shadowrun books as well, but I would like to make clear right now that this is an original Cyberpunk setting hence why I asking for help I basicly don't want to be sued.
Now more info on the world and setting such as North America, unlike Shadowrun there is no Magic or mythical creatures and there are no Native American nations and states the closest people to Natives are the Urban Primitives do to the simple fact that the smart people of that population went main stream long ago those who didn't got there head caved in my local police and private armed forces. The Urban Primitives are people who have turn there back on the high tech world in fact they hate with a vengence there know for there attacks on corporate strongholds and againest those who have enhanced themselves such as Street Samurais, but the Sand people of Star Wars they have no problem in using tech againest there oppresors.
My other problem is that Vancouver not only has a large Pacfic Asian population but Indo Candian as well, how do I fit them into a Cyberpunk Vancouver?.
Apr 28 2006, 07:42 PM
Hello people I still need help,
Apr 28 2006, 08:47 PM
You're making a setting not based on Shadowrun in an area most people aren't familiar with. That sort of limits the help you're going to get in the first place. But following up on that, I don't see any actual questions included in your most recent two posts, which means people like me who are only goign to glance through for anything of interest won't settle on anything in particular as requiring help.
Apr 30 2006, 12:55 AM
Can I suggest CP 2020?
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