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Full Version: SRM02-03 The Grab -- SPOILERS
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Shadowrun Missions
This thread exists solely for sharing the War Stories about your character's adventure through The Grab Mission.

Readers should be forwarned -- this thread will be spoiler laden.

As an aside -- this certainly has the potential to be the darkest mission we've done to date. I'd appreciate feedback on this. Did it feel right for the game world, or did we push things further than made you comfortable?
I believe for the group I ran through it, the impact that happened was about bang on. Granted I also tend to run darker games, usually on par or darker than this one so I was fine with it and probably would push it a little further myself though in a private or home game setting.

However, that needs to be tempered with the fact that younger audiences have access to these runs and as I am running these as a Commando event, I think the level that was struck was about spot on for a public venue.

I personally replaced the expletives with the appropriate slang as I have a preference for "old school" and keeping things clean in a public place of business.

Otherwise the run went well and things were rather tight in places but they used their contacts well and spent liberally so that they managed to keep things fairly under wraps.

We had a complete newbie to the game and setting that thoroughly wrapped herself into the role so it worked out nicely. Though the chase scene was pretty tense as the regular wheelman was unavailable this run due to an important engagement.

Where pray tell do you get the 3rd installment of SM? Was it at a Con or something? It is not on the site
FanPro Commandos and conventions have access to adventures one month before they go on the web site. Anyone willing to run a public game at a game store or similar location can also get access to an adventure early, by requesting the adventure and then promoting the open game session.

The Grab has run at several Commando events at this time. I'm not aware of any conventions that have requested it.

The Grab will be posted to the web site in May.
My group got almost totally annihilated by the Trinity. Our samurai got almost completely destroyed by Diva, and finished off when Deimos rammed her bike with his helicopter. She ended up unconscious on her bike, while our hacker guided her home by autopilot.

Jackhammer jumped from the chopper onto the front of the car carrying the 11 year old, and skewered the driver. The rest of the team immediately targeted him and blew him off the bonnet of the car into the middle of the road.

After a lengthy gun battle, the two remaining players managed to seriously wound Diva, which prompted Deimos to fly off and rescue Jackhammer, and then retreat.

This adventure has raised some serious issues with my players, however, mainly revolving around the amount they get paid. The Trinity were willing to risk a 250,000 nuyen chopper to stop them getting paid 12,000? Hell, the car the girl got driven to school in was worth almost that! I think in order to justify the kind of risks and expenditure the runners are going through, the Johnsons really need to be paying more in the region of 10,000 nuyen per runner - that way the runners don't feel like they'd be better off stealing cars than doing shadowruns!

My team seem depressingly good at stealing cars frown.gif

Edit: Oh, also - my team were able to kill the Godz almost before they got a go. I found it kind of funny that you had a whole scene devoted to fixing the runners after their brush with a bunch of REALLY CRAPPY gangers, while when you face them down with heavy machineguns, cybered up trolls and riggers with 22 body helicopters, your advice is "if they die, they die".

Edit 2: My players were also able to justify the "you took a job where you get a little girl killed" quite easily, by the "well, it would've meant turning down the mission if we hadn't, and we were strapped for cash anyway" method.

Edit 3: Why don't the gangers at least have leather jackets? Why are leather jackets even in the game if gangers aren't gonna wear them? Are they for runners with body 1?

Edit 4: Does anyone else have a big problem with their players making mages that don't know the "improved initiative" spell, and are therefore completely pants? Half my party is like this.

Edit 5: Finally, Diva and Jackhammer seem to have the wrong armour on. Why is Diva (with the low body score) wearing a big armour jacket and Jackhammer (with the high body score) wearing a skimpy lined coat? I had them swap for my adventure.
Our group apparently blew right past the Trinity. Most of the group waited outside while the two mages went in to retrieve the girl. One mage stood lookout, using magesight goggles, while the other one headed up the stairs. She tripped an alarm that wasn't hooked to the system, so Frost and the troll were starting to wake up. The mage cast control thoughts on the troll and then stunbolted Frost. Meanwhile, the technomancer and I (a hacker) crashed the helicopter. There was also a car coming the other way that I stalled....still wondering just who that belonged to. Anyways, we took the girl and the mage's new pet troll, and blew past the car while they simply looked on over their engine in puzzlement.

We were quite shocked when the girl wound up getting killed, and were quite looking forward to finding out just who was responsible for things going south, even if it was after our responsibility for things was over.
Our group apparently blew right past the Trinity.  Most of the group waited outside while the two mages went in to retrieve the girl.  One mage stood lookout, using magesight goggles, while the other one headed up the stairs.  She tripped an alarm that wasn't hooked to the system, so Frost and the troll were starting to wake up.  The mage cast control thoughts on the troll and then stunbolted Frost.  Meanwhile, the technomancer and I (a hacker) crashed the helicopter.  There was also a car coming the other way that I stalled....still wondering just who that belonged to.  Anyways, we took the girl and the mage's new pet troll, and blew past the car while they simply looked on over their engine in puzzlement.

We were quite shocked when the girl wound up getting killed, and were quite looking forward to finding out just who was responsible for things going south, even if it was after our responsibility for things was over.

I changed a few minor things for that run since you guys were blowing right through it with no effort at all. The Troll was not suppose to be in the building. The helicopter/corp security car were thrown in. Trinty could not find out you guys since frost was out cold (mega stun damage) and the troll you guys owned (mind controlled). I was ready for trinity to come in and give you guys a run for the money. never happened. that is like when the gangers attacked the fixer, she was suppose to fight them off with your help. She never got a shot off before you guys destroyed them.

Normal "con" group would have had a lot more trouble, but you guys were powerhouses.

Had been wondering about that. That's the marvel of having a group that works so smoothly together. We had all the bases covered, even though I dont' think any of us had spent karma yet.
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