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I just finished making an Excel sheet of all the cyber and bioware in the Shadowrun 4 book, complete with autocalculations for modified cost based on grade and running totals of nuyen and Essence (with autocalculation for bio or cyberware being higher). It's not real pretty, but it should be useful to some. However, I have nowhere to host it, so if there's anyone that would be willing to host it for me, or anyone that would be willing to test it and give me feedback, I'd really appreciate it. smile.gif
Straw Man has graciously offered to host the chart at this address. Thanks Straw. smile.gif

If anyone has any comments, suggestions, or black IC, I'd love to hear them (well, maybe not the IC).
well I just looked at it real quick and while the essance totals changed as i went up in grade the money totals did not change. Also cyber eyes and ears you can get some mods for free if you buy the whole eyes and ears but your sheet still added the essance cost to the total used.
...Oops. Yeah, I forgot to change the values in one of the formulas. I went ahead and fixed that, so it should total the nuyen now. I'll see what I can do about making capacity an option, but I'm not an Excel wiz, so I'm not sure how good it'll come out. But I'll give it a shot, anyway! smile.gif
Ok, I added an option for Capacity instead of Essence on the items that use it. I'll work on getting it to actually track Capacity, hopefully by location, but that'll probably take a while...
Nice DrowVampyre, very nice. I think I was able to "pretty" it up a bit. Sort of, if you'd like, I can send you a copy.
DrowVampyre should check out BnF95's modifications - these make it much, much nicer. THe link is the same as before. And he says it's still a work in progress! You're a technomancer, aren't you, BnF95? wink.gif
Hahaha, nah, but waiting for bread & pastries to finish proofing gives a lot of time sitting on my hands. So I doodle with excel.
WOW that does look real good BnF95 way to go. Oh and Drowvampire I was just pointing out some things for ya as you have more skill in excel than me. Not to hard to do seeing as my skill in excel is 0 hehe.
Hehe, I'm glad you did point them out, and I'm glad BnF95 knew how to implement them. It's much nicer now that he got a hold of it, and should prove quite useful - I know it has for me already.
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