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GenCon Indy has posted their list of events here.

Shadowrun Missions are once more part of the schedule. Here's what we've got:

SRM02-01 Parliament of Thieves
  • RPG00700 - Thursday 8 AM SOLD OUT!
  • RPG00701 - Thursday 2 PM SOLD OUT!
  • RPG00702 - Friday Noon SOLD OUT!
SRM02-02 Best Served Cold
  • RPG00728 - Thursday Noon SOLD OUT!
  • RPG00726 - Friday 8 AM SOLD OUT!
  • RPG00727 - Friday 2 PM SOLD OUT!
SRM02-03 The Grab
  • RPG00731 - Thursday Noon
  • RPG00729 - Midnight between Thursday and Friday
  • RPG00730 - Friday Noon
SRM02-04 Thrash the Body Electric
  • RPG00734 - Thursday Noon
  • RPG00732 - Friday 10 AM SOLD OUT!
  • RPG00733 - Saturday 8 AM SOLD OUT!
SRM02-05 Through a Rose Colored Display Link
  • RPG00737 - Thursday 2 PM SOLD OUT!
  • RPG00735 - Friday 10 AM SOLD OUT!
  • RPG00736 - Saturday Noon SOLD OUT!
SRM02-06 The Flip Side
  • RPG00742 - Thursday 2 PM SOLD OUT!
  • RPG00740 - Friday Noon
  • RPG00741 - Saturday 2 PM SOLD OUT!
SRM02-07 An Ounce of Prevention GenCon Premiere!
So that local street doc has just saved your sorry hoop yet again. You know they're strapped for more than cash. So when the doc needs a line on some meds... well, here's your chance to "pay it forward."
  • RPG00745 - Thursday 10 AM
  • RPG00743 - Friday 2 PM SOLD OUT!
  • RPG00744 - Sunday 10 AM SOLD OUT!
SRM02-08 Chasing the Dragon GenCon Premiere!
An innocent little girl is dead, and a killer still lives. A local arms dealer out for vengeance intends to fix that. To right this grievous wrong, a team of shadowrunners are going to have to help her chase The Dragon.
  • RPG00749 - Thursday 10 AM SOLD OUT!
  • [s]RPG00746 - Friday 2 PM SOLD OUT!
  • RPG00747 - Midnight between Friday/Saturday SOLD OUT!
  • RPG00748 - Sunday Noon SOLD OUT!
And, then the rather different one:

RPG01043 SRM Scramble! SATURDAY 10AM to 6 PM
Mr. Johnson has put out a call to the Shadows of Denver -- he needs every 'runner available to prevent all out war in the shadows. A one time only Shadowrun Missions BYOC Interactive, with unique campaign rewards. Costumes encouraged!

The scramble has a hard limit of 36 players. This will be a one time run event, and all of those PCs will be interacting with each other.
Just a note folks --

GenCon event registration opened earlier today. Nineteen of the Missions events are sold out as of this posting. Several others already have only 1 or 2 seats available. If you're planning on coming, I'd strongly encourage you to register ASAP.
What is this event all about?

Event ID: 3817
Gaming Group/Sponsor: FanPro LLC
Game ID: RPG01120

Title: Third Law - 2006 Shadowrun Tournament, Round 1

Event Description: For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. A team of runners has caused havoc in the new age of the Matrix. Their actions now come under the purview of the UCAS government who has dispatched several agents to discover what is happening in the shadows. This year, players will have the chance to see a familiar world through the not-so familiar eyes of those trying to keep the peace on the side of the law. (Rnd 2 Fri, Rnd 3 Sat)

Third Law is the annual GenCon Shadowrun tournament. It's not part of the Shadowrun Missions campaign. Instead, it's a 72 player tournament focused on the SR4 metaplot. There are usually some sorts of prizes. (Last year the winning team all received Limited Edition copies of SR4.)

I'd suggest you either ask in the main Shadowrun forum, or grab one of the Screamsheet podcast downloads to check out the interview with Brett (aka Moo).
Looking through the schedule I found a way (albeit too late) to make it to all the events.
There didn't seem to be a way to do them all in order though.
I wonder if anyone actually did this.

SRM02-01 8-12
SRM02-05 14-18

SRM02-03 00-04
SRM02-02 8-12
SRM02-08 14-18

SRM02-04 8-12
SRM02-06 14-18

SRM02-07 10-14

Just updated the posting as to what is and isn't sold out. 1 Ticket was released on a running of Parliament of Thieves, so there's now 1 slot open for a running of that. As it stands, there are about 30 tickets available spread out over 9 events.
GenCon Pre-registration has now closed. Nineteen of the 25 events are now sold out. Across the 6 remaining events, there are a total of 17 tickets remaining that folks can pick up on site.

There are also a few tickets left for the Scramble.

Other than that -- the FanPro team has had a very good sell through rate for the tournament and other Shadowrun events. There are only 8 tickets left (out of 72) for the 3 night tournament. About 85% of the tickets for 1-shot events have also been sold. biggrin.gif
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