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In the last Month I've prepared several documents for use with SR4.

At the moment I am reediting stuff (though being cursed by non existent spelling skillz) and converting everything into a more reader friendly format (aka LaTeX).

Here are the different projects:

Serbitar's House-rule Package: SHP v1.10

This package includes several house rules that solve various problems I had with SR4. It is quite extensive and should fix several inconsistencies. The various rules are marked with priority flags, to give an overview of how important a certain rule is in my oppionion.
Included is SECKSY (Serbitars Extremely Complicated Karma creation SYstem), which is motivated by BeCKs from SR3. It brings back creation with Karma, but adds some neccesary tweaks.

Serbitar's Extremely Complicated Karma creation SYstem SECKSY v1.8

This is an Excel sheet that automatically implements the SECKSY rules and lets you generate charakters. It covers only karma aspects of character creation and advancement.

System's Guide to Paranoia: SGP v1.3

This started out as a security guide for runners. At the moment it is heading towards an ingame Shadowland file. It's aim is to give some examples of how wireless matrix and all the other technological gimmicks are effecting runners' and Joe Normal's everyday life.

Serbitars Guide to the Matrix: SGM v0.9
A possible interpretation of matrix rules, includiong lots of examples for AR bonuses, sample runs, sample systems and more. Still in development and balaning might not be 100% water tight.

So, this is it. SGM 1.1 , a complete matrix rules rewrite.

It features:
- logic connected tests
- AR slower than VR
- unified mechanics (hopefully)
- very few loopholes (also hopefully)
- a shitload of examples, example thresholds and baseline
- agents in check (worse than hackers, due to logic mechanics)

It is still in the writing and its definately not complete at the moment, but I think it is in a state to show somebody.

Disclaimer: This rule set is not the holy grail of matrix rules. I wrote it mostly because I could (and was asked). If it is better than the standard rules, everybody can judge for himself.

ammocheck.xls v1.3 (an Excel sheet to compare RAW and houserule damage outputs)
SIN Master Tables SMT v1.0 (a one page PDF to keep track of the various SINs of a runner. supplement to SGP)

Probability Calculator that can calculate:
- the probabilities for hitting a certain threshold with a certain number of times
- cumulative probabilities to hit several thresholds or none at all
- probability to win or drow an opposed test
- pobability to win an opposed test
- extended test simulator that gives you the full roll history, in an extended test of up to 12 times 20 dice, including hits, total hits, glitches (automatically subtracts 1d6 hits) and more
- probability chart for fast lookup

probability charts including:
- the probability to reach or exceed a treshold y with x dice
- the probability to win or draw in an opposed test with x dice versus y dice
- the probability to win in an opposed test with x dice versus y dice
in two tables, x and y going from 1 to 12.

The up to date .tex sources for shp, spg and sgm can be found via Subversion repository:

Development of all projects is still in progress.
I added some probability charts:

1: the probability to reach or exceed a treshold y with x dice
2: the probability to win or draw in an opposed test with x dice versus y dice
3: the probability to win in an opposed test with x dice versus y dice

in two tables, x and y going from 1 to 12.
Thanks for sharing all of your work!
added Probability Calculator that can calculate:
- the probabilities for hitting a certain threshold with a certain number of times
- cumulative probabilities to hit several thresholds or none at all
- probability to win or drow an opposed test
- pobability to win an opposed test
- extended test simulator that gives you the full roll history, in an extended test of up to 12 times 20 dice, including hits, total hits, glitches (automatically subtracts 1d6 hits) and more
- probability chart for fast lookup

release SHP 1.8
changes include:
- lots of typo corrections
- rules that balance VR rigging/hacking versus wired reflexes
- adrenaline pump
- improved physical attribute
- removed the "no subscription" rule (see SGM Systems Guide to the Matrix in the near future)
- fixed hacking to electronic warfare in decryption tests

The up to date .tex sources for shp, spg and sgm can be found via Subversion repository:
added link to SGM
I started to add a change history, so here are the changes.
Maybe somebody can look for serious flaws and problems. Especially with my new ruling for Cyberlimbs. With the simple damage resistance rule, they should be much better and offer additional style.
  • changed maximum number of rolls for skilltests to skill+1
  • skipped magical drain healing rules, they are now RAW
  • skipped spirits on away missions rule, as it is now RAW
  • skipped changes to ammunition (except stickNshock), as RAW ammunition was changed
  • added alternative rigging attribute table
  • changed the area attack rules from the FAQ
  • skipped the area rule for direct combat spells, at it is now RAW
  • added +1 to all cyberlimb base attributes, added damage resistance
  • technomancer threading slightly for balancing reasons
  • deleted ``2x maximum cap'', further unified skill and attribute caps
  • added rules for cyberware/bioware compatibility
SHP v1.9
Thank you for your work.
I used to post on these forums a while back (back when we were all arguing about wether or not the 4th edition was a good thing). Now I'm planning on running a 4th ed game, and log on here again for the first time in months, and find this stuff. Awesome work, I probably won't be using all of your house rules, but I will use some, thanks S.
You gotta work on the "No one from North America can download" part though... frown.gif
I really have no idea what the problem is.
Could somebody who is experiencing the problem send me a traceroute? (to

I ran some traceroutes from Carnegie, Berkeley, and princeton. They all worked.
Doing it now.
Will PM.
edit: Done.
Yay, he fixed it! w00t!
North America, rejoice!
Seems like I blocked a dynamic IP range because of some evil hackers ...
So you blocked all of North America? Dude, harsh. wink.gif
Tried your rules out last night Matrix 1.1

Seemed pretty good, especially limiting the number of checks you can do in an extended test. That works great.

When your trying to gain access to a node on the fly Each round the node opposes you and you only score net successes towards your total (which when it beats the firewall you are in). Meaning the node opposes you every roll.

What about when you are probing a target and spending ages looking for an opening?
Is it the same it just doesn't get the +1 free security tally ever single attempt?
If it just rolls once when you are done what is it rolling against?

Do you mind if I implement you karmic character building rules as an executable? Not everyone in my group has Excel. And Excel's output options aren't the easiest to work with.
QUOTE (augurer)
Do you mind if I implement you karmic character building rules as an executable? Not everyone in my group has Excel. And Excel's output options aren't the easiest to work with.

If you do that, make sure to post it on this thread (or another) someday. I'd like to try it!
No problem with that.
THe Guide to the Matix is missing pages. Under section 5.4 Technomacer Technology there is nothing.
This is a really good resource...
...And it's great to see the excellent results !!

Does Dump shock have a sticky downloads area this, and material like it, can be put ??

If not, care to message/email me and maybe I can allocate some space for downloads.
Hey, Serb, how close is Secksy to the Karma creation system recently published in Runners Companion? Is it lifted exactly, and if so, did you get credit anywhere (I didn't notice, but I didn't search too hard), or are there differences that I am missing?
It is different - Serbitar's is usable as written, & improves Karma character advancement over RAW.

It is also very similar to my Karma character generation system, that I will likely be posting soon.
QUOTE (Derek @ Sep 4 2008, 04:43 AM) *
Hey, Serb, how close is Secksy to the Karma creation system recently published in Runners Companion? Is it lifted exactly, and if so, did you get credit anywhere (I didn't notice, but I didn't search too hard), or are there differences that I am missing?

Nope, it wasnt used in RC. I made some changes which I think are really necessary (increased attribute costs, race modifiers after karma...) that Catalyst does not want to make.
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