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Full Version: Shadowrun MMORPG Project, Need Interested Persons!
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > General Gaming
I have a great idea, and a fairly good beginning plan to create a Shadowrun MMORPG.
I need people who are also interested to help me in this project.

This will NOT be a ground-up project as that I have found a decent MMORPG engine called

Realm Crafter

And a few other programs and webpages

Lead Wurks

My initial idea is to create a simple Demo using a gaming Module.
Only one scenario, will make it easier to complete and see what we are working with.

If this gets off the ground, the software will be licensed [it's either free or cheap], and I will pursue permissions from WizKids.

  • Programmers
  • Artists
  • Writers
  • Character Designers
  • GM's

Anyone and everyone please please PLEASE feel free to share your input.
My soul aim in this project is to be able to play SR as an MMORPG, and not to make money, I just want to play.

Thanks, and remember.... Stay Low

Ori0n :: AIM [2nd O is a Zero]
Indifferentbass :: YIM
You'll have to go through Microsoft and FASA Studios for anything with this game. They own the rights to any and all SR video game licenses.
They own the license to non-free stuff. But free-ware? Oh yes, THAT is doable.

I can write, though I'm a little bogged down. Feel free to bounce ideas off me.
QUOTE (tanka)
You'll have to go through Microsoft and FASA Studios for anything with this game.  They own the rights to any and all SR video game licenses.

Avoid MMORPG Maker.

You might also consider:

or a version of the Torque Game Engine:


3D World Studio is a nice editor, I personally prefer it over QUaRK, but be prepared for errors when exporting to a format your 3d engine can read (Unless you plan to write your own export or import function wink.gif ).


Are you planning the Demo to actually be multiplayer (massive or not) or is going to be a single player demo? After participating and watching several MMORPG projects crash and burn I'd be leary of joining a team that doesn't have "realistic" expectation for its first project. Go for a Single Player Demo at first - once that's out you'll have reuseable assets from both a code and art perspective.

Free Software shouldn't be a problem, especially with the introduction of Microsoft's Visual Studio 2005 Express programming packages and the always reliable mySQL RDBMS.


It would be helpful for you to include what skills/knowledge you'll be bringing to the table in your first post if you are trying to attract talent. There are way too many "I wanna make a MMO" posts out on the net to take each one seriously.

Leadwerk's 3D World Studio looks promissing.

Before such a product comes out, we'll have to decide on an engine to increase compatibility. Then decide just how big we want the map to be...

Then there all the joys of setting up combat systems and such.. artwork I may be able to help with.
Why not just go check out:

Shadowrun Online

They already have a lot of content up, and they actually listen and encourage community feedback and input.
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