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Full Version: Recruitment: Sect of Madmen
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Wanted: 4-5 hardened professionals in need of cash (SR3)

I am looking for specific archetypes so when you submit your character please say what position you are applying for. Nothing crazy or stupid please (Teenage drake adepts on rollerblades). Characters need not be psychopaths, but they must not be afraid to get bloody.

Street Sam
Combat Spec (Sniper etc)

Those who have gamed with me in the past have priority. Character submission Deadline is Friday. I only want whole and finished characters submitted. Standard character creation rules apply.

House rules, guidelines, and links to my previous games can be found
HMHVV Hunter
Would this be a good game for a merc character?
Is he one of the above archtypes? If so by all means submit.
HMHVV Hunter
Well, he's certainly a combat specialist, but he's more of a fire support sorta guy (he has a gyro-harnassed LMG as his main weapon).
When is posting scheduled to begin? I won't be able to post this weekend, as I'm running a larp out in the NH boonies.

considering his character submissions is due on Friday, I seriously doubt he can immediately start a game this weekend since he'll likely have to go through the submissions and decide who he wants in the game, give feedback to those he wants and then wait for their responses.
Application for Infiltrator position (Thief)

Daniel McGuiness
former pro football (soccer) player

-excellent at working the human angle
-great athletic ability
-sneaky physical prowess

Still working on the background and the details.
I like the soccer angle. Should be good at running smile.gif
Musashi Forever
Would you consider me using the "Combat Mage" archetype from the SR3 book? It might be fun if I write a background for him.

If not, I would still like to create a character. Your website says that priority or points system can be used, but you did not say how many points we can use. Thanks.
Mister Juan
Hoi mate, biggrin.gif
What sort of Rigger are you looking for? I've never played one and would love to try it out. Unless you want me to bring out my kid decker from Tequila Blues wink.gif
QUOTE (Musashi Forever)
Would you consider me using the "Combat Mage" archetype from the SR3 book? It might be fun if I write a background for him.

If not, I would still like to create a character. Your website says that priority or points system can be used, but you did not say how many points we can use. Thanks.

Sure. When I say Archtype I didn't mean the one from the books, just that the character needed to fill a role. Standard character creation rules apply (123 pts).

QUOTE (Mr. Juan)
Hoi mate,
What sort of Rigger are you looking for? I've never played one and would love to try it out. Unless you want me to bring out my kid decker from Tequila Blues 

A vehicle rigger would be best. There will be some wilderness back water action going on. So transport is a must. Sorry though, no Deckers. Any decking will be handled by an NPC character that I will be running.
Mister Juan
Plane, Helos, Boats of just offroad?

I think I'm starting to see a scotish alcoholic dwarf come into view.
QUOTE (Shadow)
I like the soccer angle. Should be good at running smile.gif

"and for my next impression...Jesse Owens!"

+10 cheesy points
QUOTE (Mister Juan @ May 10 2006, 11:21 AM)
Plane, Helos, Boats of just offroad?

I think I'm starting to see a scotish alcoholic dwarf come into view.

Well I want these characters to be setting neutral, so if hes a Shadowrunner than he runs the shadows. A van of some kind would be the best bet.
Mister Juan
Alright. I'll try to have everyting done by tomorrow night.
Musashi Forever
QUOTE (Shadow @ May 10 2006, 02:19 PM)
QUOTE (Musashi Forever @ May 10 2006, 11:02 AM)
Would you consider me using the "Combat Mage" archetype from the SR3 book?  It might be fun if I write a background for him.

If not, I would still like to create a character.  Your website says that priority or points system can be used, but you did not say how many points we can use.  Thanks.

Sure. When I say Archtype I didn't mean the one from the books, just that the character needed to fill a role. Standard character creation rules apply (123 pts).

Got ya, boss. Thanks for the input. Also, do you only want hermetic mages or can shamen apply?
HMHVV Hunter
Alright, should I put the details of my character up here, or send them to you via e-mail or PM?
Mushasi, whatever you would feel more comfortable playing.

HM, email me your completed character.

You may put your character concepts here if you wish, but that doesn't constitute application.
HMHVV Hunter
Sent my character idea to you, Shadow.
I forgot that my hotmail address was up there. Send them to kelvaris at shadowgames dot us. I got your character HMHVV.
Musashi Forever

I just sent in a character sheet for a partialy burnt-out dwarf mage named "Sparks". I am still working on his background, I'll have it later today or tomorrow.
Character arrived.
Hi Shadow,

I'd like to submit Mirage for this game, do you still have a copy of her, or should I send her again?
Send her again. My favorite French woman smile.gif
MK Ultra
IŽd like to submit an Ork for the Sammy slot. Numbers should be ready tonight, BG written down tomorrow.
Mister Juan
Character sheet finished and sent.

Reynaldo Ramon Ramirez, the crazy mexican dwarf rigger! nyahnyah.gif
Got it, I need some ajustments, see your email.
Mister Juan
I'm out for the night. I'll get you all the answers to your requests tomorrow.
Sent in my submission for the Sammy Slot.
Do you still have any slots open for a face/corp espionage specialist?

I haven't played Shade in years, would be nice to dust the character off.. can have the character to you later this morning...just need to grab her sheet and make sure it conforms with your house rules.
Character sheet sent for Danny to your email address. Background is coming along very soon, thanks,

QUOTE (Dranem @ May 11 2006, 06:49 PM)
Do you still have any slots open for a face/corp espionage specialist?

There is no Face slot, just infiltrator. A Face would be unnecessary on this run. All slots are open because I haven't picked any characters yet. I will pick them Friday after noon and let you all know.
I've sent Mirage.

Submitted for the Sami, or possibly combat spec (she's good for recon, but not sniping) positions.
Hi shadow! been a while

Sent in a submission for a troll sniper. (with a nightglider ooo... fragging expensive to get it troll modified!) anyways, hope you're doing good, and I apologize for not giving you thorough time to really read into the char... but the submission is in! any questions let me know...
Hey Buddy, been a long time! No prob on the lateness. I will be reveiwing chars in about 4 hours so plenty of time. Glad to see you back.
MK Ultra
Akkaya Oparin is on his way smile.gif

Tell me if there is anything unclear.
MK, no character yet.
Here are the players. Thank you everyone who applied, as usual I wish everyone could play. The OOC and IC will be up shortly.

Street Sam: Mirage (Raiko)
Combat Spec: Hawk (Rokur)
Infiltrator: Danny (theWolf)
Mage: Sparks (Mushashi Forever)
Rigger: CrazyR (Mr. Juan)
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