May 10 2006, 10:22 PM
SR 4, p.73 says players can't spend more than 200 BP on attributes for a standard 400 BP character. However, 10 out of their 16 samples characters (which appear to be 400 BP characters) break that rule using 210 to 250 BP on attributes.
Is there a rule exception I didn't see somewhere, or did they just break the rule?
May 10 2006, 10:24 PM
Edge, Magic and Resonance don't count against the 200 BP, only physical/mental attributes.
May 10 2006, 10:26 PM
Thanee is right.
Just saying, because i want to be right, for a change
May 10 2006, 10:30 PM
QUOTE (Thanee) |
Edge, Magic and Resonance don't count against the 200 BP, only physical/mental attributes.
Bye Thanee |
Ah ha! Thank you. I was misled by the line that said "Attributes (250 BP)." It seems so obvious now that you mention it. I guess it's a lot to absorb when you first get the new book.
May 10 2006, 10:35 PM
Also make sure to check the Errata. Lots of those sample characters are wrong in one way or another.
May 10 2006, 10:46 PM
Yeah, like an orc chick gunbunny, that's just visually WRONG.
May 10 2006, 11:07 PM
QUOTE (Voran) |
Yeah, like an orc chick gunbunny, that's just visually WRONG. |
Really? I'd slot it.
May 10 2006, 11:19 PM
Better that than an orc chick Face.
May 11 2006, 08:44 PM
orcs rock
Kremlin KOA
May 11 2006, 08:49 PM
Orc Chick face
max magic
level 3 tailored pheromones
level 5 kinesics
influence group at 4
intimidation at 6
+2 on each skill in the influence group
5 charisma
19 dice in all social skills
James McMurray
May 11 2006, 09:04 PM
You could make her a physical mage instead and get two more dice from a mentor spirit.
Kyoto Kid
May 11 2006, 09:07 PM
...Nah, a Troll Chick Face Adept.
She has two ways to negotiate a deal
1) with her Social Skills (boosted by adept powers).
and if that doesn't work
2) with her fists (boosted by just being a Troll)
Babydoll (Troll Chick Face Adept)
Body - 7
Agility - 4 (6)
Reaction - 4 (5)
Strength - 7
Charisma - 3 (pretty good for a Troll)
Intuition - 3
Logic - 2
Willpower - 4
Edge - 1
Magic - 5 (4) reduced by bio implants
Initiative Passes - 2
Active Skills
Influence SG - 4
Close Combat SG - 4
Pistols - 4
Intimidation - 4
Infiltration - 2 (Urban)
Perception - 3
Knowledge/Language Skills (15)
Corporate Politics - 3
Psychology - 3
Gardening - 3 (everyone needs a hobby)
Seattle Club Scene - 3
Sociology - 3
English N
Adept Powers
Kinesics - 4
Improved Social Ability - 2 (Negotiation)
Voice Control
Critical Strike - 4
Bio Implants
Synaptic Boost I
Muscle Toner II
16 pts to Contacts & 6 free from Contacts House Rule
25 pts resources
Yeah, she may not have a gawd awful social DP of 18 - 19, but she has other avenues of "persuasion" at her disposal. And, she's a Troll.
[For Fool]
...and yes, I do have her written up & ready to play....
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