May 11 2006, 06:33 PM
Looking for a group
Or any suggesions on how I can find some gamers in my area? I know there HAS to be at least a few.
May 11 2006, 10:07 PM
When I lived in Houston, I went to Horizon Games. One in Clearlake, and one in the Woodlands I believe. Should be in the phone book. You missed me by a couple years though. Live in Corpus Christi now. Actually...they've got a website with a messageboard and stuff too, shouldn't be too hard to find
May 18 2006, 03:34 AM
if you live inside city limits try NANs off 59 near 610. I just moved to NC from Clearlake, and I still have friends in the area that play 4th Ed just outside of Kemah. Drop me a message and I'll try to set a meet.
May 24 2006, 02:27 PM
We're starting a campaign at Montag's Games Sunday (5/28). The players have created their characters last Sunday.
You're more than welcome to join our game.
Venue Montag's Games
Phone 281-412-4100
Location 9430 Broadway #128 Pearland Texas United States
May 24 2006, 06:03 PM
QUOTE (Xane) |
When I lived in Houston, I went to Horizon Games. One in Clearlake, and one in the Woodlands I believe. Should be in the phone book. You missed me by a couple years though. Live in Corpus Christi now. Actually...they've got a website with a messageboard and stuff too, shouldn't be too hard to find |
The one in the Woodlands has been closed for many years.
Another gamestore took over that spot and they closed at least twice. Now there are no store left up there. Luckily several new stores did open in the last few years.
Horizon Games no longer have the website up anymore.
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