May 13 2006, 12:16 AM
... do you really care?
I guess Dell has a few product placements through out the movie cause they're showing 7 minutes of the X3 movie.
Check it out, it looks pretty sweet.
May 13 2006, 03:00 AM
May 15 2006, 12:17 AM
I'm not too impressed with it, from what i've seen on the trailers and all. The whole "gathering around a grave" thing looked impressive at first, but i can't see any of the important characters missing from the scene, so i wonder if it's going to be something like this...
"Hey, I'm a brand new mutant, and..."
*day later, gathering around the grave*
"So... did anyone catch it's name?"
"nuh-huh, i'm only here for the free food!"
May 15 2006, 12:54 AM
Possible, but hopefully the new mutant will act as fodder and give his/her life to save someone else/others in a dramatic fashion.
May 15 2006, 02:52 AM
I only got to see about half of it. Seeing Kelsey Grammer as Hank McCoy/Beast was worth it. But what puzzles me is a glimpse I got in one of the X3 trailers on TV....Colossus, in full armor form, is crouching with someone, he puts his hand on that person's head...and it seems to start to cover that person, as if Colossus can 'armor-up' another person. Weird.
May 15 2006, 03:51 AM
Never heard/saw an instance of that, of course the question remains, can they move when they are covered?
Also, why don't his clothes get armored up, or the floor, or the kid he was holding in the 2nd movie?
Bah, I hate it when writers take artistic license and screw with these things just to fill a plot hole they couldn't patch any other way.
May 15 2006, 04:50 AM
QUOTE (BookWyrm @ May 14 2006, 09:52 PM) |
I only got to see about half of it. Seeing Kelsey Grammer as Hank McCoy/Beast was worth it. But what puzzles me is a glimpse I got in one of the X3 trailers on TV....Colossus, in full armor form, is crouching with someone, he puts his hand on that person's head...and it seems to start to cover that person, as if Colossus can 'armor-up' another person. Weird. |
Easily explained, rogue (if that's her in the clip) touches him to gain his ability so that she could also survive the blast.
Likewise, Kitty Pryde can make other people intangible. You can see that happening with Juggernaut and also her making iceman also intangible so that they don't get plastered by a missle strike.
May 15 2006, 07:55 AM
QUOTE (Muzzaro) |
I'm not too impressed with it, from what i've seen on the trailers and all. The whole "gathering around a grave" thing looked impressive at first, but i can't see any of the important characters missing from the scene, so i wonder if it's going to be something like this...
"Hey, I'm a brand new mutant, and..." *bang* *day later, gathering around the grave* "So... did anyone catch it's name?" "nuh-huh, i'm only here for the free food!" |
We shouldn't forget Jean Grey's apparent end in the second movie. We all know that she's alive but the characters aren't privy to the metaplot.
May 15 2006, 10:25 AM
Yeah, but I thought I saw her in the funeral crowd when I looked through the trailer again. I tried to pause at certain points and see who's there.
May 15 2006, 01:46 PM
As far as the Colosus scene, I thought that was Rogue he was with. The writers of these X-men movies have stayed very true to the character's abilities, which I think is cool. Like when Night Crawler said he couldn't teleport some where he's never seen or been, or something like that. I was like, "Cool, that's just like in the comics." I'd also like to say that I was bit bummed out that the actor didn't want to reprise his role as Night Crawler, he's one of my favorite mutants.
And I thought the funeral was for Jean Gray too
May 17 2006, 02:35 AM
QUOTE (PBTHHHHT @ May 14 2006, 09:50 PM) |
QUOTE (BookWyrm @ May 14 2006, 09:52 PM) | I only got to see about half of it. Seeing Kelsey Grammer as Hank McCoy/Beast was worth it. But what puzzles me is a glimpse I got in one of the X3 trailers on TV....Colossus, in full armor form, is crouching with someone, he puts his hand on that person's head...and it seems to start to cover that person, as if Colossus can 'armor-up' another person. Weird. |
Easily explained, rogue (if that's her in the clip) touches him to gain his ability so that she could also survive the blast.
Likewise, Kitty Pryde can make other people intangible. You can see that happening with Juggernaut and also her making iceman also intangible so that they don't get plastered by a missle strike.
Thanks. I had forgotten all that.
May 26 2006, 06:38 AM
I heard the director is different in the third flick. I also heard, from someone who saw it yesterday, that it, well sucked, guess we all will find out tomorow.
SL James
May 26 2006, 09:53 AM
Yeah. Ratner's a douche, and his movies have all sucked.
It's not like he's McG directing the Charlie's Angels sequel (My... GOD! That sucked), but still.
May 26 2006, 03:20 PM
Ugh, Charlie's Angels 2 was on last night on some cable channel. I couldn't help but watch a chunk of it... I've seen it before but it's like a car crash you can't help but see it and go oh dear lord, I think I can write a better script than what I'm seeing...
May 27 2006, 09:23 AM
Saw the film last night, pretty good, some actual surprises going on. But it did feel rushed, too many characters are brushed over. Angel gets like 10 minutes of screen time. Basically if they had an extra hour this would have been a great movie but they didn't.
May 29 2006, 12:35 AM
That's the problem with having it as a movie. Maybe if they did it as a two parter like matrix 2 and 3... on second thought, let's not go there.
Yeah, saw the movie today. I enjoyed it, it's as good as you can get with this many characters I think.
HMHVV Hunter
May 29 2006, 06:27 AM
I agree that it was too rushed, and I also think that they glossed over the whole Rogue/Iceman thing. I was expecting more, given the mutant cure and all.
On the other hand, the two actors I was a bit skeptical about - Kelsey Grammer and Vinnie Jones - both turned out very good performances.
May 29 2006, 06:04 PM
I hated X-Men 3. Dear god it was terrible. THEY RUINED X-MEN.
May 29 2006, 11:57 PM
It wasn't as bad as I thought it was gonna be, but it wasn't as good as the first two either.
Brett, you're a fuck-up! You have Colossus and Juggernaut in the same X-movie and you don't have a titanic throw-down between the two?!? You're a fuck-up Brett!
It sucked that they re-wrote Cain Marko's character so much. Though I did think Vinnie Jones did make a pretty good Juggernaut. "I'm The Juggernaut bitch!"
I couldn't believe that line was used.
HMHVV Hunter
May 30 2006, 12:29 AM
Yeah, that line was probably one of the most memorable.
Probably second best was Kitty calling Juggernaut "dickhead"
Jun 2 2006, 06:03 PM
QUOTE (Muzzaro) |
I'm not too impressed with it, from what i've seen on the trailers and all. The whole "gathering around a grave" thing looked impressive at first, but i can't see any of the important characters missing from the scene, so i wonder if it's going to be something like this...
"Hey, I'm a brand new mutant, and..." *bang* *day later, gathering around the grave* "So... did anyone catch it's name?" "nuh-huh, i'm only here for the free food!" |
Big spoiler here, if you haven't seen it yet.
[ Spoiler ]
Xavier dies.
The movie wasn't bad, but it could have been much better.
Shame on Ratner for not giving us a Colossus-Juggernaut fight!
Oh yeah: Stay until the credits finish. The bonus scene is great.
Jun 2 2006, 06:33 PM
I enjoyed it quite a bit. Certainly seemed to fit with the first two, so Ratner certainly didn't 'do a Schumacher'.
Not perfect I guess. Bit short, some ropey CGI in places, a little bitty, a few false notes character-wise, but basically... pretty exciting and fun, and memorable. I really was expecting worse after what the critics had said.
Jun 2 2006, 07:12 PM
Ayup, that's kinda what I thought. I felt that if they made the movie a bit longer it would solved quite a bit of the problems. Actually giving the characters more facetime/character interactions and to further explore the paths the main plot has done for the world.
Jun 2 2006, 08:51 PM
Angel in particular seemed almost wholly pointless.
So sticking closely to canon there, eh?
Jun 5 2006, 04:34 PM
So funny I had to post this twice...
Tom Holmes, graphics lead on Shadowrun: the Xbox360 videogame, posts an article on that game's site entitled
I Feel Your PainDoes he now? Well, he's not talking about his game, and he's not talking about me. No, it seems he's taken quite a disliking to the X-men movie.
QUOTE (Tom Holmes) |
The movie took a storyline I deeply liked and stomped all over it. |
Jun 6 2006, 09:52 PM
QUOTE (JongWK) |
Big spoiler here, if you haven't seen it yet.
[ Spoiler ] Xavier dies.
The movie wasn't bad, but it could have been much better.
Shame on Ratner for not giving us a Colossus-Juggernaut fight!
Oh yeah: Stay until the credits finish. The bonus scene is great. |
[ Spoiler ]
I guess your first spoiler isn't that much of spoiler but more of a "lie" if you actually saw the bonus scene, right?
Jun 7 2006, 01:55 PM
He was talking about the funeral, so I think it's fair to put as a spoiler who died.
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