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Full Version: Easy Vehicle Combat system
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > General Gaming
Hey, so I was cruisin through another Forum and got bitten by the Interstate 76 bug. Yeah it's been awhile but surprisingly the game's held up rather well.

Anyway, since there's really only 1 game a bunch of loose episodes (Any true fan doesn't consider I 82 part of the series)... I got to thnkin about trying to put this into an RPG.

Now, I tried this with SR2/3 a while back and that didn't work to well...

So I'm asking if anyone knows of a good, fast-paced vehicle combat system. With character elements (sometimes you do have to get out of the car...)

Is SR4 good for this? Or do we not know since there's no Rigger book yet?
I have the SR4 book but I haven't had the time to read it yet, and I really don't feel like printing it out to do so...
You may try Mechwarrior
I actually have the Mechwarrior RPG... It says "For in depth vehicle combat: See Battletech"

I'm gonna try GURPS since I have the main 3rd ed books for it along with the Auto Duel setting

Thanks though
I love Car Wars 3rd Edition, and it'd be great for that.

Failing that, Autoduel is just a more complicated Car Wars, and it's not bad.
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