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Full Version: Microsoft want you to buy Nintendo's Wii
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > General Gaming
I found this article on 3D Total. Apparently the PR reps for both the
Xbox 3-shitty and the PS3 expect people to buy their console plus a
Wii as a "secondary console".

I think they're just trying to figure out a way to ride Wii's coattails
considering the Wii received the most press coverage from
mainstream(one word or two?) media. I think it's great that they
received so much coverage, maybe the other two corps will get
their heads outta their asses. I'm tired of this whole CPU/GPU arms race...

What about content people!?!
Kanada Ten
Well, I'm actually amazed at how stereotypical Japanese polite the Sony executive sounded (and he's not even Japanese, AFAIK). "Ah, yes, the honorable Nintendo makes a good product, yes."

The 360 is already on the market, with millions of units sold; of course Microsoft wants to encourage Wii sales because that will eat into Sony's market share. They are losing tons of money on the XBox, but they can make it all back later if Sony loses enough of the market.

And, honestly, the Wii "will" follow the DS: initial Buzz Binge followed by leveling. Both PS3 and Xbox360 "will" see a slow a steady rate of purchase.
While it is very likely that I will buy a PS3 and maybe even a Wii (? I guess that's what they call it) I have never and I never will buy a console system till it is at least 1 year old if not more.

Why? 1 the price it costs to make the system is less than what they charge useally by 200 to 500% less. Don't let them fool you the bulk rate at which they make these things makes them cheap.

2 It is a fact there are always bugs in the system give it a year or so the bugs get worked out. Thus you get a better system at a cheaper price.

3 I am not and highly doubt I will ever be interested in sport, racing, and/or crime games. I like role-playing, simulation, and stratagey games because they require thought (to a degree) rather than just massing as many buttons as you can.

Yes I do have some as I call them button masshers and kill it if it moves games but I just don't get the enjoyment out of them that I get from the other types I said I like. Most of my button massing and kill'em all games are old games from when I was figureing out what I like.

Today's industry has some of the hottest tech on the market hell if what I heard about the new PS3 it true the thing is better than my puter (not too hard to do as I can't afford a nova hot system). But like someone said bigger badder systems great but where is the content?

I played the online MMO's for a time and yes there is a ton of content but the I have money and 50+ friends groups that get on and defeat all the content (IE the bosses or goals) in the game in less than a week drove me away. I was like whats the point it's been done the best I can hope for is some gold and maybe a spell or two if I am real lucky a piece of armor.

So yes I may buy these systems just not right away. As I see nothing being launched that says to me you have to get one of these. I think it sucks that the first game to be released in a long time for our game is a first person shooter more or less. It a role-Playing game what part of that do they don't understand?

Ok I guess I am done on the soapbox next? nyahnyah.gif
Riiiiiight. Im gonna shell out 250 for a Wii ontop of the 6-7 hundred for a gen 7 system? How about I buy a 28" plasma insted.

Here is where I think the Nintendo box is going to make some serious kudos. Hardware wise, its not near the step up the ps2-ps3 step is, but its all about control and interactivity.

I have some bad news Casazil, Simulation and Stratgy games have never been big on the console. RPGs, thats another story...

Speculation I've heard on Wii is $150 - $200.
Thats an impulse buy right there.
I haven't owned a Nintendo product since the NES, and as it stands now, the Wii is impressing the hell out of me, more so than the 360.

I could never justify dropping the $600 on the "good" PS3.

Peter Moore said it best...."Show me the $300 dollar difference between their (Sony) games and ours (MSFT)"
QUOTE (Lindt @ May 17 2006, 01:54 PM)
I have some bad news Casazil, Simulation and Stratgy games have never been big on the console.  RPGs, thats another story...

Sadly this I know but one can hope till then guess I stick with my puter and Shadowrun.
I love how a 360 and Wii will cost the same (or near enough) as the PS3. I've already got my 360 from launch, and i'll grab the Wii when it comes out (if it stays at the low price of £150, it's one of those 'too good to be true' purchases), although i have this sneaking suspicion that the Wii is very much the 'party console'. Focused more on getting multiple people with controllers around, than the single-game (or online multiplayer) aspect. Which is a damn shame seeing i have no RL friends. *shrug*
HMHVV Hunter
Y'know, I thought that the Wii controller was just a gimmick at first, but after seeing some of the games being brought out (including a yakuza game), I'm very interested.

Just imagine them putting a Star Wars game out on that, and being able to actually feel like you're swinging a lightsaber.
SL James
... Dude. That would SO be worth it.

Hm... So, less than $250/25,000¥. I am quite excited.
Why? 1 the price it costs to make the system is less than what they charge useally by 200 to 500% less. Don't let them fool you the bulk rate at which they make these things makes them cheap.

You might be surprised to know that both Sony and Microsoft sell their consoles at a loss. It has been reported that the PS3's actual cost per (unit) is $1000.

EDIT: As for Microsoft, here's what Wikipedia has to say:

Microsoft has invested billions of dollars into the Xbox internal documents and received back billions of dollars in sales. Overall though Xbox division has lost $4 billion from 2001 to 2005. In particular, the Xbox hardware itself is a loss leader, since the console was sold at a loss even at its debut price. The losses deepened when sales of the Xbox increased and when the price was reduced successive times to compete with PlayStation 2. Microsoft predicted that it would not make a profit on the Xbox for at least three years. This prediction turned out to be correct; Microsoft Game Studios, Microsoft's game division in charge of Xbox development, had its first profitable quarter reported in January 2005, thanks largely to the success of Halo 2. Investor relations documents says that in the end of 2005 Microsoft lost more than 1 billion dollars. The Xbox project never gave an annual profit to Microsoft according to these documents. In return for the money loss though the Xbox gained name recognition and a dedicated fan base.

Curiously, Nintendo's Gamecube was the only one of the last crop that made some money .
QUOTE (SL James @ May 25 2006, 01:01 PM)
... Dude. That would SO be worth it.

Hm... So, less than $250/25,000¥. I am quite excited.

Yeah, that's what the BBC reports:

The Wii will cost 25,000 yen or lower in Japan and $250 (£133) or less in the US, said Nintendo as it revealed its financial results.
Kanada Ten
The PS3 and X306 cost near same after corporate subsidies.
SL James
Kim, you really have to start reading Engadget and Gizmodo.

QUOTE (SL James)
Kim, you really have to start reading Engadget and Gizmodo.


I'm not that much into console gaming anymore--the last one I owned was a SNES. The Wii looks interesting enough that I've considered buying it.
hey now I think microsoft is ares. Sony is renraku and nintendo is like shiawase. anyway can the hate all three systems have games I like and play.
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