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Full Version: Player LFG in Raleigh area
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Recently moved to Raleigh, NC from California, and I am looking for a group for SR or DnD (but mostly SR) I have the 4th Ed. PDF.

If you live around 27609, PST>
I'm actually in greensboro, but raleigh isnt that bad of a drive, my hours sucks though because of work, i work 33-/430 on weekends-midnight, friday-tuesday, but there really hasnt been any action around here, i think there was one other thread for a group in raleigh though
Yeah, I got 2 part time jobs, but I would be willing to get together anyway if you're interested. Maybe we could get a group together.
if we can get more people together i'm up for it, i've only been down here about 8 months or so
Haven't been here that long myself. The group I started fell apart due to scheduling conflicts. I live in Durham and would be willing to play and/or gm. I know 1 or 2 others who may be interested.
Awesome, sounds like we might have a group going.... Email me, or leave your email's so we can get in touch. I work everyday this week, but might be able to do something Thursday afternoon.
you can get me at video_herman atthingy excite dotthingy com

Remember, i've never actaully left the friendly confines of greensboro, so i dont really know where im going biggrin.gif
You can reach me at
I'd be available anytime Fri and I don't work til late on Sat. Email if you guys are interested on meeting Fri. I have 1 other interested in joining who I met thru We may be 4.
Hey Folks,

I live in Carrboro (on the fringe of Chapel Hill).

Pretty sure I'm the guy Matt mentioned from our Frapper chats.

I'm up for a meet & greet on Friday, after work, if folks think this could work. Saturday is out for me (attending a game-con in Charlotte that day).

I'd suggest someplace like Southpoint Mall (in Durham) - plenty of places to catch a bite & chat.

Me and Matt are hammering out schedule details via email, and he suggested Cerebral Hobbies in CH. Feel free to email me, and I'll send my schedule.

On Friday, I'll probably be at work until 7-8pm so when would you want to meet?
Cerebral Hobbies works well enough for me. Whenever is convenient for you guys.

I'd rather not be out beyond about 10pm on Friday - gotta be awake early for the trip to Charlotte Sat morning.

unfrotunately tomarrow is a no go for me as i start work at 330... not to mention i hat to get new brakes and rotters for my car and now i'm broke until next frday....
Looks like Sunday is going to be the day.

And Aku, I know about being broke. I'm several Gees in debt from moving from Cali to NC and I've barely seen any cash from the work I've done.

dead.gif I'm 21 and indebted far beyond my ability to pay and my credit is in the toilet already....I should start shadowrunning for reals....
Sunday 5pm at Cerebral Hobbies in Chapel Hill it is. We can grab a bite or stay at the game store(no purchase necessary). I'll email those of you I've chated with my cell. Anyone else interested just show up.
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