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Full Version: The "Machines Unbound" universe wants you!
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > General Gaming
Hey guys,

I doubt any of you have heard of the Machines Unbound novels or the Shared Universe project since it just got started and there's no guarantee it'll become big. However, its a partially supernatural cyberpunk novel line that is currently being put out by Windstorm Creative. There's only two novels currently out along with two sourcebooks that detail the setting (the links to which are in my signature) but what might make it interesting to you is the fact that the company producing them wants to work with new authors in expanding it.

Shared Universe:

None of its yet taken off but I figure it takes awhile for these things to get going. Part of the reason I thought I'd bring it up here was because the place seems to be filled with people with a fairly deep and introspective ability to look at cyberpunk fiction tropes. Plus, Machines Unbound is already a setting with magic incorporated into a cyberpunk why NOT Shadowrun? I personally tend to think that everyone has a book inside them so suggesting it on this spot seems to be a good place to start. They're interested in people willing to contribute novellas, short stories, full scale novels set in the universe, and even want to make an RPG version of the world.

I set up these lists for people to also work with when the project attracts more individuals interested in it.

Discussion list:
Fanfic List:

One of the things I'm also pleased about is that Windstorm gave me permission to give e-book versions to those whom were willing to look over the works. I suspect they think that it works a lot like fansubs. People who watch the fansubs are more likely to buy the actual book if they know that they like it. Anyone whose interested in perhaps checking out the universe for writing but doesn't want to necessarily buy a copy beforehand should feel free to PM me with a request and I'll send a copy of the 1st sourcebook or novel as requested.

There's no guarantee that the world will be a huge financial success for anyone but I know that most satisfying thing about this process is that there's 20,000 copies of each of my books out there and they're in print. Plus, I learned plenty about the publishing industry from this.

I hope some people are interested. Ciao.

-Charles Phipps
DuckEggBlue Omega
This Shared Universe project actually looks REALLY cool.

Now if only I could write...
QUOTE (DuckEggBlue Omega)
This Shared Universe project actually looks REALLY cool.

Now if only I could write...

Yeah, that was my problem before I somehow managed.

DuckEggBlue Omega
Consider me an enthusiatic observer, atleast for the forseeable future.
QUOTE (DuckEggBlue Omega)
Consider me an enthusiatic observer, atleast for the forseeable future.

Glad to hear it then.

I'm quite proud of the books and the third one is to be out soon with the first of the spin off novels coming out next years.
Oh and something else.

While this is a project for the future, after I finish my next book. I was thinking of definitely working on a Shadowrun conversion for the world. Its a pity it can only be a non-profit fanwork.

However, a lot of the stuff fits. James Brody as a Technomancer and Eve as a massive Deus like AI/spirit wink.gif
Are you looking for short story authors, or just full length novels?
QUOTE (Panzergeist)
Are you looking for short story authors, or just full length novels?

Stories of 30,000 words or over can be published seperately. Those who contribute shorter stories will have them contributed to single volumes that will eventually be published together.

So I suppose my answer is "we're looking for both."
QUOTE (Willowhugger)
QUOTE (Panzergeist @ Jun 3 2006, 04:38 PM)
Are you looking for short story authors, or just full length novels?

Stories of 30,000 words or over can be published seperately. Those who contribute shorter stories will have them contributed to single volumes that will eventually be published together.

So I suppose my answer is "we're looking for both."

What you should answer to that question is just a plain old 'yes'. It'll confuse them at first. wink.gif

A: Is it X or Y?
B: yes
A: ???

See? Very fun. biggrin.gif

I'm gonna have to look at this site, it would be interesting to see if I can write something.
Glad you've all expressed interest.

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