Jun 2 2006, 01:59 PM
Unfortuntaely, Shadowrun doesn’t run itself, so we’re looking for Shadowrun, Fourth Edition GMs for GenCon Indy. We have our usual crew, but each year we run more events and need more GMs! Interested parties will be responsible for brainstorming adventure ideas and running the games during the con. If you don’t want to plan your own adventures but still want to participate as a GM, we can accomodate that as well.
FanPro offers a non-revolutionary but very slick compensation package, so you can use your hours worked and apply them towards your hotel room, FanPro books, or your convention badge. We also have the best mixed-gender dodgeball team in the entire gaming industry, and our Capture the Flag team isn’t shabby either.
Interested? Zap an email to and tell him about your love of Shadowrun.
Jun 2 2006, 03:55 PM
Its a blast, and the con team are a great bunch of people (cept that Moo fella, hes kinda out there, well, actually most of them are out there, but especally that Moo fella).
Hope to see ya'll there next year...
Jul 6 2006, 02:54 PM
Bumping this -- we could really still use 1 or 2 more GMs if anyone's interested!
Jul 18 2006, 07:12 AM
I'm not a GM, but I'll be playing in the "Babysitting At 40,000 Feet" scenario on Thursday. Any people here who're GMing that, or who'd like an extra player for one of their games? I'm a hella newbie but I'm all over the genre conventions of Shadowrun and it looks like heaps of fun.
Jul 21 2006, 07:53 PM
Riot - The answer is generally "yes". We love extra players. Most of our GMs are willing to add a 7th player to the group. So even if an event is sold out, it's always worth it to show up with generics.
- Brett
Jul 22 2006, 04:49 PM
So is it that now that SR4 is out, nobody is running SR3 games? Is this a choice based on sheer product promotion, or is there really not a section of convention goers that likes SR3? Or is is just that you "officials" aren't promoting it becase it's no longer party line?
That might look more snarky than I mean it to be. I'm just curious.
Jul 23 2006, 06:38 AM
From my experience at GenCon SoCal last year, very few people wanted to play SR3. I can't speak for the administration, but I know the games which I am running are all SR4 based because that is what was popular.
Additionally all current SR Missions being produced are for the SR4 rules, so anyone in the long-term campaign has to be playing by those rules.
As a sidenote: Any Missions players who used to play SR3 Missions, bring your old debriefing logs and we can do a karma rollover to your new SR4 character.
Jul 23 2006, 08:54 AM
I would add in though that, well, yeah, it's pretty much all SR4 because that's what FanPro's producing. The Convention group is there to support FanPro (They also run Dark Eye events, and will be running some Degenesis events at GC Indy), so it only makes sense to run events for games that they actively publish.
This is not, however, a "Party line" from Fanpro. I'm fairly certain Rob wouldn't care much if the Con Team ran a few SR3 games, but with SR3 no longer being published, it makes sense to support the active games.
Plus, most convention goers will assume that company sponsored events are the current edition of the game. We actually had a fair number of people last year who were confused when they showed up for their Gen Con events and they weren't SR4 (Last year other than the demo's, we ran SR3 games since no one would have had the chance to read the new rules yet).
Jul 24 2006, 07:59 AM
Awesome. Looks like I'll be able to have a grand old time.
Dec 15 2006, 10:20 AM
I emailed moocow about this but have not heard back yet. Maybe someone else can help me.
My emal address changed before I got the books/comps I requested for volunteering and helping out. I lost access to the yahoo group and fell out of touch. Any help getting back in the loop and finally getting the requested books would be appreciated.
Dec 15 2006, 04:16 PM
Sent PM with info.
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