Basically, a thread where you tell in character the best stories of your character.
Please restrict oneself to actual played adventures for authenticity.

Matrix Virtual Chat Room
Devil's Demise
The entire place had the look and feel of a trashy high tech Shadowrunner bar, which was exactly what the place was. Autonomity was guaranteed in the virtual environment as it was known as a place where people could come to share how they had made their big scores, had done a bloody nose to the Man, or barely escaped with their lives.
The murky smell of cigarettes, booze, and narcotics filled the air. Apparently, they had decided to go for authenticity. The Devil's Demise had rooms that were shaped like luxurious boardrooms though and others like restuarants while even more stretched out with the strange and unusual rooms added to reflect the odd tastes of Shadowrunner's behind.
The Troll bartender was known to record the stories of the Shadowrunners and keep it only for those in the 'trade' to know the truth of their actions. Many would kill to know the secrets of half of these jobs and everyone risked themselves by sharing their stories but so far no one had suffered repricussions for choosing to let loose their bloody stories here.