Hello Dumpshock,
For every version of Shadowrun I play I end up putting together my own custom character sheets. There are a lot of good looking ones out there for SR4 that other people have put together, but I wanted something that was a bit more focused on function rather than form.
The sheet I have created is somewhat inspired by the sheets Wordman created for SR3. Right now mine has a single front with multiple backs you can chose from depending on the type of character it's for. Currently it has backs for Mundanes (works well for Sams and Hackers), Magicians, Technomancers and Adepts. I'm planning on adding alternative backs for hard-core Hackers, Riggers and Conjure-heavy magicians (with full stat block sections for spirits) as well as some additional sheets for full pages of gear, spells, vehicles & drones, contacts, spirits.
I never shared any of my old character sheets (except with my own group), so I figured I'd fix that problem right away with this version. I figured I'd see if anyone else can make use of these and see if I can get some comments or suggestions on them. Since I'm still in the process of developing these, if you have a need for a sheet with a particular feature, now is the time to let me know. I can't promise I can accomidate all requests, but if I think it improves the sheet and there is room for it, it will work its way in.
Thanks for your help.
SR4 PDF character sheets with multiple backs.