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Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > General Gaming
Well besides this being the first topic, and I wanted to know how that felt, I did have a question. Does anybody know of any good Texas Hold'em programs that are free?? I'm cheap when it comes to stuff like that and I don't want to buy it if it's free. I mean hey, we're living in the technological era. Some help, P L E A S E!
Neuron Basher
I haven't tried this one, but some quick Googling turned up this. I'm sure there are more, but that's the first one that seemed to meet your criteria. (ie: free + texas hold 'em)

Good luck.
Does it have to be downloadable? I play Texas Hold'em online at the There are a few other nice once like Paradise Poker plus a minor hoard of other sites that let you play with play or real money.

Pokerroom have both online version and once you can download (even thou you have to get online to play since well you play against other people, sort of pointless playing Texas Hold'em against the computer).

I know there are offline software where you can play vs the computer but I have not found any free or good once. But hey i'd be interested in having that to for my on-the-road laptop.

There is on but it doesn't feature that much ... yet ... but they do link to this program that appears to be free, I have yet to try it.
I'll ask my dad if you want.

He plays Texas Hold'em through a Online Casino that has both "Free" and "Pay" versions. Basically you can sign up for a free account and access the fantasy games where you play against other people.
Thanks a lot, I'm going to try them out and see which works best for me.
I also suggest Me and a few guys at work used to have in-person card games every few months, when our schedules worked out. However, in the last 2 months, we've been doing a weekly poker competition using play money. Each person puts in $20 as an 'entry fee'. That night, we get a private room and each of us comes to the table with $1k. We play for 2 hours. At the end of the game, the 2 players with the most money split the entry fee 60/40.

The worst thing about is that the chat box is really small. I would recommend using a group-chat service like ICQ or IRC instead.
QUOTE (Spookymonster)
The worst thing about is that the chat box is really small. I would recommend using a group-chat service like ICQ or IRC instead.

Yeah the message box is small and cluttered, but you can chose various versions (game info, chat or both). Both tends to become a mess quick since it only displayed 6-8 rows or something. I wish you could resize the window to increase the box size, is is always nice when you can have a more updated info on the game or the chats and it quickly fades away and you can't really sit there and scroll around and try and keep an eye on the game at the same time.

Worst is when the hand is over and there are multiple players competing for the hand in the end and there is a mad scroll rush to see who had what and who won ...

Another good "play money" feature would be if you could actually get your daily refills at the table if you need 'em. Most usable when you completely wipe out in a no-limits game ...

@Spooky and Kurb: We should try and get a hold 'em game together sometime so we can steal eachothers play money smile.gif

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