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Is it possible for a user to change his/her username? I'd like to change mine to "Rock" without registering a new account if at all possible.

Cool... in that case I'd like to remove the "." in my name and change from "L.D" to just "LD". If possible? Please? Pretty please? With sugar on top? smile.gif
emo samurai
And could you capitalize my entire name?

No, seriously. That would rock.
Looks like I started a trend.
Can I change my name to "Adam"? That would be awesome.
emo samurai
Can you capitalize my name? Please? If you don't, I'll register a new account and... well, that isn't much of a threat, is it?
emo samurai
It won't let me register as EMO SAMURAI. Can you please change my name?
Fresno Bob
Let's compromise here. You can be EmO sAmUrAi.
emo samurai
I even PM'd Adam. :.(... (The periods are tears)
Admins have lives too, you know.

Give them time.

(And don't post anything facetious about them not having lives. It ain't funny, I've heard that one a few dozen times, possibly even close to a hundred. Wasn't even funny the first time I heard it.)
emo samurai
I'm still not EMO SAMURAI yet! frown.gif
I suspect they think you're quite loud enough already. wink.gif
emo samurai
Grr... mad.gif

Fair enough, though it pains me to say it.
I'm actually not 100% sure where to change names at, and I haven't had the free time to really look yet, sorry.

emo samurai
Oh... I thought you just erased something and typed something else...
You've got to find it in the Admin CP first.

Bull, I co-admin an IPB forum. If you want to know...
I don't know about v1.2, but in v1.3: Users and Groups> Find/Edit/Suspend User, and in the search results there is a Change Name option.
emo samurai
You're suspending me? :.(...
Ugly as you want to be.
emo samurai
Thanks so much!
krayola red
Holy crap, I can't believe he actually did it.
Well, I did change capitalization for Tanka, so I felt that I should change it for Emo. I was hoping he'd give up on his flight of fancy, but, well... young people get attached to ideas. wink.gif
T'is true. Make an exception for one...

Thanks again for that, Adam. It was starting to irk me more and more for no particular reason other than "because".
emo samurai
I beseech you to change it back; I liked "emo samurai" better. It was more quirky than loud.
Be careful what you ask for. You may get it.
I vote for you to change it back for him as well. I just got back here, and haven't yet read many of his posts, but judging from his post count, I'd say I'll be seeing his name a fair bit, and just really don't want to deal with the caps all the time.

Do me a favor and change it back.

Don't consider it as doing him a service as much as fulfilling a rare request from a soon-to-be long-suffering, newly-relapsed dumpshock junkie. wink.gif
Every six year old tries to cut their own hair at least once.
Much obliged. smile.gif
emo samurai
Thank you. But now it seems too soft... biggrin.gif
It's like freaking Goldilocks! Get some damn bears over here.. someone... anyone!
Just as long as no one suggests eMo SaMuRaI, we should be alright.
Don't give him ideas.
emo samurai
Can I have my name changed too?

I'm using the handle "Draug" on most other boards. Can I have that here too, pretty please? Even though I'm a newbie?

EDIT: Pretty pretty please with sugar?
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