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My one and only response to this teaser: Whoa.
From the producers who brought you "MindF&@#," and MindF&@#2!"
holy shit.
Whoa indeed. That looks right up my alley.
o/` There's a hole in the sky, Through which things can fly! o/`

Portal FTW.

if you want to train yourself up a little and get used to the MindFrag that is True portal tech, download Narbacular Drop, the spiritual Prequel to Portal. (Valve Saw the game, Hired the entire team, set them to work on Portal. nyahnyah.gif)
Narbacular Drop is a great game, but I don't think it's NEARLY the puzzle solving we'll see in Portals. Simply the example of showing a box falling on a gun turret proves that...that's some serious calculating on the fly for some of the crap they suggest in that video.
QUOTE (Tanka)

My one and only response to this teaser: Whoa.

That's just...omg...
Wow.... just.... WOW...
So much crazy ass movment...

Combine that with a gravity gun, and its pretty much a physics engine for the win game. It makes me tingle in my naughty bits...
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