Jul 30 2006, 07:36 AM
Everyone interested?
Anyone interested?
It looks like the FanPro booth and/or room 204 is the place to meet.
Who's going? Who's staying overnight?
I plan on attending, maybe even GMing a SR event. I have not heard back from the coordinator in a while or about the great perks, but I volunteered to help.
I plan on volunteering for the convention organizers; I wound up doing it last year and enjoyed the experience. This year I am shooting for the hotel reimbursement, even though I am commuting. It would be nice to park in a hotel parking garage if nothing else. Also hope to volunteer at another interests booth. I tried to set it up before last years con and got turned down, but when I arrived, the main man said I'd be welcome . Too bad I already had other plans by then.
Jul 30 2006, 09:49 AM
If you're trying to track down Moo for a reply, tisoz, I'll kick him for you if I catch him online, assuming he doesn't reply here first. I'm fairly certain they do need a GM or three still (I think a couple folks just cancelled at the last minute).
I'll be there. I may be running a couple booth demos early in the day on Thursday or Friday (Not entirely sure yet), I may be helping with Who's Run is it Anyways? on Saturday (Freeform Shadowrun game/seminar. The audience supplies details for the game in progress, and the GM and players work in those details, ala "Who's Line is it Anyways?"), and I'll be playing in the tourney with some friends in the evenings.
Beyond that, I'll probably just be hanging out. Don't be shy, come up and say hi. Too often people are like "Yeah, saw you ther,e but you were talking to someone so I didn;t say anything." Scary as it sounds, I like meeting people
And if you don't know what I look like? Well... Big, ugly, shaved head, goatee, glasses... Which describes probably about 1000 of the attendees, really.
Jul 30 2006, 07:03 PM
Where is Gencon being held this year?
Jul 30 2006, 07:41 PM
Indianapolis -- it's been there since 2003, and I think their contract with the city goes for a few more years.
Jul 30 2006, 07:44 PM
QUOTE (Bull) |
Beyond that, I'll probably just be hanging out. Don't be shy, come up and say hi. Too often people are like "Yeah, saw you ther,e but you were talking to someone so I didn;t say anything." Scary as it sounds, I like meeting people |
It's always so tough to get past your throng of fangirls, though!
Jul 30 2006, 07:55 PM
*sigh* True that. Ahh well, such is life
Jul 31 2006, 12:35 AM
It seems like it was about three weeks ago that I was corresponding with someone with a moo or cow in their address. The Dunner PMed me, and I'm getting the details now.
Looks like I may as well pay for a parking garage or hoof it about a mile like last year.
Funny about the physical description, but last year when I wnt, I was not sure exactly where the convention center was. I just followed the throngs of really odd looking people as they were drawn to the event.
Jul 31 2006, 02:01 AM
Moo's actually the overall convention GM coordinator. I handle coordinating missions, and 'cuz of his crazy work schedule over the past few months, I've been helping him with GM scheduling.
Jul 31 2006, 03:58 AM
QUOTE (tisoz) |
Looks like I may as well pay for a parking garage or hoof it about a mile like last year. |
go to this map:
100 south capitol aveand look at W Market St - see how it runs between N Capitol Ave and Monument Cir? that's about 2 blocks and on one of those blocks on the south side of the street there is a parking lot that we used last year - it's like $5 a day (if i remember right) and we left it there till the wee hours of every morning and felt safe about it.
and you can see that it's only about 450 meters from the Convention Center - though i'm sure there's plenty of other parking around.
Aug 1 2006, 03:03 AM
Well, I will probably be going, as last minute as it is. Still need to figure out a hotel, and I'll be registering on site. I fear the long lines, but since the oppurtunity for me to go didn't come up until the last minute, I couldn't pre-reg.
Anyways, I'd definitely be up for some kind of DSF/DRF'er get together.
Aug 1 2006, 01:12 PM
If you can get there on Wednesday halfway early, I'd suggest doing so and regging then. Thursday morning is brutal for registration.
if you're not getting there afternoon/evening Thursday (or Friday), it's not so bad, but there's a lot of people there bright and early to reg.
Aug 1 2006, 01:38 PM
I still have nightmares about the first line in 03. Rumered to be half a mile long.
Still anoyed Im not going to make it.
Aug 2 2006, 12:50 AM
Last year, I got to the con Thursday morning about 7:45am. Waited in line to get a badge about 5 minutes. I walked past at 10 am and the line had the hall choked off.
Aug 2 2006, 01:23 AM
QUOTE (tisoz) |
Last year, I got to the con Thursday morning about 7:45am. Waited in line to get a badge about 5 minutes. I walked past at 10 am and the line had the hall choked off. |
ah, good times - good times
Aug 2 2006, 02:12 AM
QUOTE (tisoz) |
Last year, I got to the con Thursday morning about 7:45am. Waited in line to get a badge about 5 minutes. I walked past at 10 am and the line had the hall choked off. |
Ahh, cool. I know by 10 the lines are murder, but I rarely get to the hall earlier than 9 or so, so just assumed it was bad before then to.
Aug 2 2006, 06:40 AM
I'll be there. Don't worry, weapons aren't allowed in the convention center.
Aug 4 2006, 05:15 AM
QUOTE (Critias) |
Don't worry, weapons aren't allowed in the convention center. |
With all the replica weapons brandished, I do not think it would be difficult to bring the real deal. Just adding to the paranoia.
Aug 5 2006, 01:30 AM
It's not. Just don't let them catch you with it.
Aug 5 2006, 02:13 AM
Bah, just paint the guns purple and orange and stick a nerf dart in the barrell. It's what I do.
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