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Ancient History
An Australian company has just bought a license to produce Earthdawn, which they intend to retain in the 1st Edition, and with a seperate metaplot from LRG.

What does this mean to us?
Got any linkage to go with that story?
Ancient History
baa. Damn. Thanks Adam. I always forget the linkey.
Thanks Adam. smile.gif

So Ancient History, what are your thoughts on this development?
Ancient History
I think the subtitle to the thread states my opinion clearly.

Not to mention, it looks like their boos may be pay-to-download PDF files and Print-on-Demands...I like a book honestly printed at a bloody printer. It cost me $20 to get the Dragons PDF printed and bound, and it looks sorta silly on my shelf.
What the heck does LRG think of this? Shouldn't their licence from FASA have specified that they would be the exclusive licensee? If not this could be very damaging and divide the ED community (such that it is).

This sounds very dodgy - and now I have to consider whether I shoudl buy their stuff frown.gif
QUOTE (DigitalMage)
What the heck does LRG think of this? Shouldn't their licence from FASA have specified that they would be the exclusive licensee? If not this could be very damaging and divide the ED community (such that it is).

This sounds very dodgy - and now I have to consider whether I shoudl buy their stuff frown.gif

Considering I've read the same questions on the mailing list about 150 times in the past 24 hours, I would say these are very legitimate questions. I guess we'll see. You may want to check out their FAQ. It almost sounds like they're going to be publishing adventures and modules instead of out and out sourcebooks. But who knows.
QUOTE (Ancient History)
An Australian company...

Just as a point of interest, this is not an Australian company, but rather a New Zealand one. There is a difference! smile.gif
Ancient History
Really? Damn. I thought all that sun, barren wateland and excessive drinking would explain this...
I have to wonder where Lou Prosperi is in all of this. I don't remember him involved with the RPG industry since Fasa closed their Earthdawn line. Personally, I haven't played or ran ED since LRG took over (which is more due to a lack of interested players and a general satisfaction with D&D3E for my fantasy, from what I've seen LRG is doing a good job). Still, Mr. Prosperi is by far my favorite RPG designer, and I would love to hear if he's done any design work recently.
According to their web site, Lou is actually involved in this project as one of the 'Questors' or advisors. Make of that what you will.

Edit: The named Questors are Kathy Czechowski, J. Anne Mauck, Lou Prosperi, Jacob Jorvang, Lars Gottlieb, Christopher Mahoney, and Michael Sheehan.
Ancient History
Lars and Lou are in it, huh? Interesting. That should minimize msot of the problems, if they listen to 'em.

Lou's still involved in ED (mentioned in the credits of the LRG sourcebooks anyways), and has always had a very good spin on things...with the possible exception of his oneiromancer discipline, and of course the much-retold story of how in his game, Verjigorm destroyed Thera. That was awhile ago, though. Back wehn the ol' KEEP boards were active.
KEEP... there's something I haven't heard in a while.

I guess my loss of interest in Earthdawn had more to do with me graduating college than any major continuity issues between Fasa and LRG. Ancient History, you seem to be the continuity guru here... can you sum up LRG metaplot? I've heard bits and pieces (mostly the info on what happened to specific Dragons during the Theran invasion, thanks to your website) but exactly what happened after Prelude to War is still mostly a mystery to me.
Ancient History
The Barsaivians chased out the Therans, tore down Sky Point and Triumph, but Iopos took Jerris. Vasdenjas and Vestrivan died, the former facing the Horror Cloud as it descended on the imprisoned Theran city of Vivane, and the latter protecting the Earthdawn, which finally returned home.

Twiceborn and a horde of undead left Parlainth and set up a City of the Dead in what was Vivane, where a Horror cloud still lurks.

A Horror Stalker led the Scythan crusade from Throal, several hundred adepts, including a number of Horror Stalkers, left for the ancient Horror-and-Invae infested kingdom of Scythia, where the dwarves of Throal originally came from.

The Dragons of Barsaive are engaged in a Rite to determine Vasdenjas' successor (much like in Wake of the Comet), the Therans are putting down provinicial rebellions, the Iopans are trying to hold on to Jerris, Throal is weakened and trying to rebuild, the T'skrang arpoagi are the new economic power house and stabilizing influence in Barsaive, Alachia's pissed about how the Blood WOod was suckered, and Urupa is entertaining visitors from the People Across the Aras Sea. Kratas, Barttown and Haven are pretty much the same, Cara Fahd and the Troll Moots are likely rebuilding their forces and celebrating their victory.

's bout it.
Awesome, thanks. I just might have to check out Barsaive at War and Scourge Unending when I go Steelcon in Stillwater this weekend.

One last question: What has the Earthdawn been doing the last couple centuries?
Ancient History
Century. It was traveling the world.
A.H.: Do you have LRG's latest release yet?
Ancient History
Nope. 's in the mail.
Ahh, ok. smile.gif
Kanada Ten
Ancient History
...Horror-and-Invae infested kingdom of Scythia...

Invae and Horrors like eachother? How does that work?
Ancient History
They don't. But the Horrors can't feed off the Invae, and the invae get their asses kicked whenever they invade a cult and start possessing people. Scythia's big enough for both of 'em, and secluded enough to survive...until now, that is.
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