Jon Szeto
Oct 17 2003, 05:19 PM
Check the lower right corner of the Indy web page.The conflict is apparently due to the Brickyard 400 also taking place the same weekend (Aug. 5-8 ), so Gen Con has moved it two weeks back.
Just an advance warning for those who need to plenty of notice.
Oct 21 2003, 01:57 PM
Oh well, nevermind. It's more time to save the pennies for getting/staying/spending there. Do they do all-in-one ticket + lodging + travel bookings?
Oct 30 2003, 11:47 PM
Haven't most colleges started classes by that point? I know that many many gamers have now moved beyond college, but many more still are in college, won't this do a good deal of damage to attendence?
Oct 31 2003, 12:52 AM
It concerns some people, certainly. I know people that work in the education field that won't be able to make it to the con for that reason.
Unfortunately, it looks like a necessary evil -- getting hotel space during the Brickyard 400 is apparently next to impossible.
Nov 4 2003, 12:53 AM
Oh I know that one! I once had to try and get a room in the Allentown area when my father was getting some sort of honorarium the same weekend as the Pochino 500. (how do you spell those damned mountains anyway?)
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