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Full Version: North of Denver, Colorado
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > GM/Players Registry
Hi all,

I just registered here and I'm interested in finding or even starting a group (as a player) somewhat north of Denver, in the Broomfield / Boulder / Lafayette region (I live in Superior).

I considered posting a reply in Derek/Dave's Colorado Springs thread instead of starting a new thread, but obviously I chose the latter, though with no intention of excluding D, though I'm betting this area would be too much of a drive for him (90ish miles).

I also must confess that I haven't played SR since 1E back in high school, but after skimming through the 4E book in Borders today my interest has been rekindled.

Bah, thats too far north. Move down to Colorado Springs! wink.gif
I just moved here less than a year ago. Plus my daily commute to Longmont would really suck! eek.gif
Hi Justin,

We do a SRM every other week or so and we have started meeting at Borders on 104th and Huron ( map ). If you shoot an email over to Derek(I don't know his DS name) at damboy at comcast dot net and he should be able to tell you when next we meet.

Bah. Different Derek.

Anyways, it does look like I have found a group here in the Springs.
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