Last night at shadowrun...

We were tasked with the (somewhat dubious) mission of trekking across the australian desert to Ayres rock. Having some basic knowledge of australia we knew that the group of 10 would have to convoy across in several vehicles. It was decided, after several minutes that we could be carting it across the desert in 2 land rovers (bought when we arrived) and 2 ares roadmasters (shipped over from seattle)

After fuelling vehicles and loading people and/or cargo, we set off from Adelaide and arrived on the edge of the 'high threat mana storm' zone as dusk was setting in.

A few of the perceptive magical characters noticed a bit of turbulence on the astral plane in the distance, moving towards us VERY quickly (about 50mph)

[Unbeknownst to us, the gm has previously determined this to be a fire elemental mana storm]

Deciding that we would be better off riding through it than holing up where we were, we started engines and made sure that all our gear was secured to our vehicles. Waiting for the storm to materialize and hoping that the storm would miss us.

It was at this point that Joker, (Weapon specialist/Sniper) who is driving land rover #1, catches the eye Carnage (Covert Ops Specialist) who is driving land rover #2, and revs his engine...

And we ALL know what that this is the international sign for...

2 words...

DRAG RACE! biggrin.gif