Aug 20 2006, 08:59 PM
Hello All,
GenCON is over. Anyone going to DragonCON? Anyone want to play SR4 during DragonCON? part of DragonCON or not.
let me know...
Aug 20 2006, 11:02 PM
FanPro will have a booth at DragonCon, and there are a number (more than a dozen, but I think less than 20) games being run by the FanPro GM team. This includes all 8 of the currently available Shadowrun Missions scenarios. If you're interested in GMing at the show, I think we might still have room available. (GMs get a free badge and some free product. Drop me a PM if you're interested.)
Aug 20 2006, 11:53 PM
While Dragon*Con is closer to me sadly it still costs too much and I really could use the last 4 SRM's.
Aug 21 2006, 12:00 AM
Argh, and me not going this year. That bites, I wanted to meet the guys last year but they snubbed D*Con, this year I can't go and they are attending. Damn you Universal sense of Irony!
Aug 21 2006, 12:06 AM
By the way, folks, if anybody's still interested in running -- drop a line to That way, I won't need to play middle man.
Aug 25 2006, 04:12 PM
One week and counting.... woohoo!
And too bad you can't go, Nikoli....was looking forward to seeing you again.
Aug 26 2006, 03:33 AM
bank is keeping me from going as well, and i had been planning on going.
Aug 28 2006, 04:46 AM
4 days away!! Woo Hoo. Anyone going to put together some pick me up SR3 games?
Aug 28 2006, 10:31 AM
If any of you DragonCon goers happen to run into the guys dressed up like Cobra from GI Joe (the Cobra 21st Infantry), tell 'em Rusty and Flea say hi.
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