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Full Version: Do we need more emoticons?
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emo samurai
I've never seen anyone with a "crying" emoticon. I'd like to challenge Adam to make one.
there's no crying in shadowrun!
James McMurray
Oh no, there's tons of crying in Shadowrun. Whether it's PCs or Players (or both) depends on the GM. smile.gif
emo samurai
I'm the only "Yes" answerer. TEAM UP WITH ME OR DIEEEE!!!
Here I am, continuing my streak of sticking by Emo because he's my friend. Though I do agree with him in this case. I want to see an emoticon for this: ^_^
so far it looks like only the girls on the board want more emotions rotfl.gif
James McMurray
Now that's just not right man. Jeez! Fangirl is almost 20, so she qualifies as a woman. wink.gif
I'd like to see one that is :emosamurai

It would be a smiley beating a smaller smiley, dressed as a samurai, with the BBB.
emo samurai
QUOTE (James McMurray)
Now that's just not right man. Jeez! Fangirl is almost 20, so she qualifies as a woman. wink.gif

Is that your new passive-aggressive smilie? biggrin.gif
If other people provide them, I'll consider adding a few new smileys, although I'd really like to pare down some of the ones tht are rarely used ... do we really need 3 varieties of a "rolling" smiley? [the entire second-to-last row in the Clickable Smileys dialog rotate.gif wobble.gif spin.gif ]

sarcastic.gif rarely gets used, nor does grinbig.gif or sleepy.gif or twirl.gif or talker.gif -- chopping them all wouldn't break my heart.
SL James
I wouldn't lose any sleep over fewer smileys.
Second that.
emo samurai
Really, would a crying icon really be counted as a smiley?
MK Ultra
QUOTE (Adam)
If other people provide them, I'll consider adding a few new smileys, although I'd really like to pare down some of the ones tht are rarely used ... do we really need 3 varieties of a "rolling" smiley? [the entire second-to-last row in the Clickable Smileys dialog rotate.gif wobble.gif spin.gif ]

sarcastic.gif rarely gets used, nor does grinbig.gif or sleepy.gif or twirl.gif or talker.gif -- chopping them all wouldn't break my heart.

Ahh, you want to single me out!!! ;-P

Really I use the sleepy.gif on every second post as a post icon and I use grinbig.gif quiet often as well.

sarcastic.gif gets used seldom because I´m a nice guy but if it´s needed, there´s nothing that can replace it.

and the rotate.gif wobble.gif spin.gif are always used together when I use them wink.gif

But really. I have no problem with fewer smileys, I´d use oldstyle emoticons if I want to. So there would be no (T_T) if some smileys get tossed out.
James McMurray
QUOTE (emo samurai)
QUOTE (James McMurray @ Aug 23 2006, 04:20 PM)
Now that's just not right man. Jeez! Fangirl is almost 20, so she qualifies as a woman. wink.gif

Is that your new passive-aggressive smilie? biggrin.gif

That's a very passive-aggressive way to call someone passive-aggressive.
emo samurai
You... you didn't use a smilie... The world is totally gone, man. eek.gif
James McMurray
Sorry. Here you go: nuyen.gif

Is that better?
emo samurai
nuyen.gif esssss
emo samurai
AAAAAAAAND the conversation ends.
James McMurray
Of course it does. Nobody comes to this forum. I wouldn't have come here except the politeness thread got moved.
QUOTE (Adam)
If other people provide them, I'll consider adding a few new smileys, although I'd really like to pare down some of the ones tht are rarely used ... do we really need 3 varieties of a "rolling" smiley? [the entire second-to-last row in the Clickable Smileys dialog rotate.gif wobble.gif spin.gif ]

sarcastic.gif rarely gets used, nor does grinbig.gif or sleepy.gif or twirl.gif or talker.gif -- chopping them all wouldn't break my heart.

Hey, I use grinbig.gif all the time.

Well, only when somebody posts a funny. Which is kind of often.

sarcastic.gif gets used sometimes, mainly when I'm being snarky.

The rest can get nuked, for all I care.
QUOTE (Adam)
sarcastic.gif rarely gets used, nor does grinbig.gif

Er? I've seen both of them relatively frequently. Grinbig is important because it combines biggrin with an element of silliness. sarcastic.gif has some overlap with ohplease.gif, but I think it's different enough in meaning to be worth keeping—though I wouldn't be heartbroken if it went away.

That said, as long as we keep proof.gif, I can probably deal.

I voted yes, (fuck, I'm voting in an emo poll), because there have been several instances when I would have really been able to use a barfy or pukey smiley.
I personally dislike .gif emoticons. Though with the proof.gif and the extinguish.gif ones I could be made to change my mind. The nuyen.gif one isnt needed though. Alt 157 works better and matches your text.

emo samurai
Alt 157?

Alt 157?

hold down the alt button and on your keypad type 1, 5, 7.

then you get this... ¥
emo samurai
Doesn't work for me. Does the fact that I use wordperfect mean anything?
QUOTE (EMO SAMURAI @ Oct 5 2006, 03:59 PM)
Doesn't work for me. Does the fact that I use wordperfect mean anything?

Depends on which version, what you want to look up is the help on Unicode character support. 157 is the ¥ symbol in unicode.

Though it's more likely you aren't using windows.
Actually, it's pretty unlikely that he is not using Windows. Most of the other platforms WordPerfect runs on are archaic, obscure, or sold poorly on.

emo samurai
Don't know what you mean by unicode. I'm computer-illiterate.

And it's WordPerfect 10 on XP.
Okay, then Wordperfet 10 doesn't support Unicode, but since you are on XP, you should be able to do the ALT + 157 inside the browser.

So you should be able to post here with unicode, but you can't use it in Wordperfect.

Try ¥
You can also try Alt+0165 to get it.
emo samurai
Nope, no unicode.
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