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Full Version: [Vancouver]Shadowrun Gamers Roll Call!
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > GM/Players Registry
Shadowrunner List:
1. TheQuestionMan - Port Moody
2. Mallet
3. Stevenowen82 - Maple Ridge
4. SRNae
5. migo
6. monnolith
7. Baron Solar
8. de4dmeta1
9. Dimitrio - Abottsford
10. monnolith
11. ruth_n_alan
12. Bogey - Surrey
13. Ocirs - Vancouver
14. Hideyoshi - North Delta
15. Blackgoat
16. Tekdragon
17. Nephyte
18. Last_of_the_Great_Mikeys
19. Bighunk23
20. PaladinLord
21. Lazerus
22. Augustus
23. Silvermain
24. Drill Sergeant
25. Nystril
26. Digital Heroin - Victoria
27. ElastiZombie - Victoria
28. Club
29. Mega_Conan
30. TheTurtleMoves
31. JakeMorley
32. ucfvlamj
33. Emperor
34. ch0k1ng
35. Rasputin X
36. PharaohWizard
37. Lowendz113
38. ramadawn
39. stonwulfe
40. xaos
41. 00Bogey55
42. Rithien
43. Faylar
44. Doc Krimson
45. SidarCrand - Islander (Knowldgable One)
46. ucfvlamj
47. neelix510 -
48. Oakenkeg -
49. Drace
50. Calamity
51. Riekas
52. <Reserved for you>



P.S.: Check out the Vancouver Gaming Guild Web Site here.;threadid=1559
Methinks that #27 Zombie is probably yours truly, ElastiZombie. Unless there is someone named Zombie in Victoria.

Updated and revised

I'm baronsolar, number 7 on that list.

That list was compiled a long time ago. I just bought shadowrun 1st edition for 10 bucks so i'm going to try to get a game going with some people with that edition. i didnt want to go all out, if the people like shadowrun and all goes well, i'd get the 4th edition, but that is more expensive.

All 4 of us live near mishras on edmonds in burnaby bc. so pm me if you'd like to come join our 1st edition gaming sometime. we play at irregular times. actually we have only gone over some planning and havnt even started yet, so if you read this sometime soon chances are you'd get in from the beginning.

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