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Full Version: [RPG] Star Wars d20 Starship Combat
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > General Gaming
So, has anyone done a lot of starship combat in Star Wars Revised? My group has ran it a few times now, and it just seems dull; too tactical, too similar to regular combat, too rigid. Anyone worked up any house rules or changes to the system?
Ship to ship combat is something I've wanted to try, but I'm still kinda biased against Star Wars in D20, so I haven't looked at it yet. Though I am waiting for D20 Modern rules Spaceship book coming out by a 3rd party publisher to look at. You may want to take a look at it, though for the life of me I can't recall what it's called or who's publishing it at the moment.
Bob the Ninja
The rules need some reworking. As it is, combat is a bit too abstact for my tastes. Also, ion cannons become the unstopable killing machines in the format they currently have it in.
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