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Full Version: Running Missions more than once
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Shadowrun Missions
I was wondering what everyone (especially the_dunner, as the Missions coordinator) thought of a runner going through the same mission twice or more. My reason for asking is that I want to keep on playing, advancing my knowledge of the game and what my character can do.

Say for instance I wanted to make the drive to Dayton to attend LD's running of SRM-02 next month. To be fair, I would expect that no Karma would be awarded for any subsequent passes. Should Bodog get any rewards at all, if he is able to participate?
Sorry -- no love on this one.

Characters are absolutely not allowed to play a given adventure more than once.

Players really shouldn't play a particular adventure more than once. (And folks should never play in a scenario after they've written, run, or read it.)

Having said that, if a given GM wants to let somebody who's already played an adventure play it again with a different character, that's between the player and the GM. Which makes it not my business.
I have played a couple of the missions more than once BUT this is why:

I help out at conventions from organization to character creation so to help sometimes I play a different character in the same mission to fill the table.

The deal is this I am more or less a robot I make minor decisions once in a while.

If the team needs to do something that will put them on the right track I wait till they ask me to do something specific I don't just do it.

If the players do better than the group I played with the first time I ask to please be allowed to take the better karma/Yen reward.

Most times the gm has no problem with this so long as I don't give away any info to achive that better ending.
QUOTE (the_dunner)
Sorry -- no love on this one.

Characters are absolutely not allowed to play a given adventure more than once.

Players really shouldn't play a particular adventure more than once.  (And folks should never play in a scenario after they've written, run, or read it.)

Having said that, if a given GM wants to let somebody who's already played an adventure play it again with a different character, that's between the player and the GM.  Which makes it not my business.

Fair enough, and I expected as much. I wanted to ask though and get your official ruling. Thank you for the prompt answer, chummer. cool.gif
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