Sep 4 2006, 09:14 PM
Steve Irwin, the hugely popular Australian television personality and conservationist known as the "Crocodile Hunter," was killed Monday by a stingray while filming off the Great Barrier Reef. He was 44.
Irwin was at Batt Reef, off the remote coast of northeastern Queensland state, shooting a segment for a series called "Ocean's Deadliest" when he swam too close to one of the animals, which have a poisonous bard on their tails, his friend and colleague John Stainton said.
"He came on top of the stingray and the stingray's barb went up and into his chest and put a hole into his heart," said Stainton, who was on board Irwin's boat at the time. |
Steve Irwin died the way he lived: doing a crazy, dangerous stunt that most people would be sane enough to avoid. He was an inspiration to gamers everywhere. Here's to you, Steve.
emo samurai
Sep 4 2006, 09:41 PM
How he died really pissed me off. :.(..
Frag-o Delux
Sep 4 2006, 09:44 PM
The guy filming a documentary on the great barrier reef getting stabbed in the heart by a sting ray pisses you off because thats how he died? I have to hear the reasoning behind that.
Sep 4 2006, 10:17 PM
Because it is the most unlikely thing ever. Stingrays aren't really dangerous. They're usually very docile and even if they stab you it isn't like a giant bite from a crocodile or a shark. It is painful but rarely life threatening.
Not only did he swim near what was probably one one stingray that was nervous enough to attack, the attack was at such an angle that it went beneeth his ribs and into his heart. There is a better chance of being hit by lightening. In the entire history of the world only three people have ever been killed by stingrays, including Irwin.
Frag-o Delux
Sep 4 2006, 11:00 PM
But the attack is highly possible if you are swiming over the top of it and reaching down to grab it. And from reading the article it wasnt solely the sting rays barb that killed him, sure if it didnt sting him it wouldnt have killed him, It was the extreme remoteness of the location he was in that made medical help too far away. And the article I read said 3 deaths in Australian waters, not the world, small point, but if the death rate is higher in the rest of the world the attack is less suprising.
But being pissed at someone for dieing in a highly unlikely manner is healthy?
He would feel better is a frenzy of sharks tore him to millions of little pieces?
And like looking at most animals you can tell their mood? I have seen dogs that looked relaxed and attacked for what seems to be no reason, along with other house pets. So the fact that he picked the wrong sting ray and was stabbed in a extremely possible manner in the position he was in and died from is not really that shocking.
Which still doesnt answer why would Emo be pissed at a guy for guying.
Sep 4 2006, 11:31 PM
I don't think Emo really said he was pissed at Irwin over it, just pissed. There's a difference.
Regardless, The Croc Hunter always struck me as a good guy. He didn't take himself too seriously, but he always seemed to take his work very seriously -- in that he seemed aware of the dangers, and went out of his way to make sure his viewers knew not to try this crazy shit at home. He had an undeniable, infectious, almost-childlike love of every weird-ass little monster he interacted with on tv. Any jackass can make a popular tv show about fluffy bunnies or little meerkats or otters or something; he made a wildly popular show about all the nasty evil ugly poisonous little bastards in nature. He was also, in his own way, a class act -- he put his money where his mouth was, more often than most people in the entertainment business.
Frag-o Delux
Sep 4 2006, 11:45 PM
You are right, hes mad at how he died, which still doesnt make sense.
And I agree with you about Irwin. I thought at first glance (the first time I seen his show) he was a bit off his rocker. But after seeing his other shows (yes he did more then the prime time antic version of himself) it showed he was much more then that guy. Really a class act.
Sep 5 2006, 01:11 AM
Man. That blows. I mean, you had to expect that his "luck" (or whatever you want to call it) would eventually run out, but damn.
And being angry at such a situation is a perfectly normal emotional response. Why doesn't that make sense?
Frag-o Delux
Sep 5 2006, 01:26 AM
Because its a normal responce for someone that you know, not some personality on your tv set. Unless everyone else in the world gets emotionally attached to tv personalities.
SL James
Sep 5 2006, 01:27 AM
If that's true, why do most Americans even give a damn about 9/11, since most of them don't know anyone killed or directly affected?
Frag-o Delux
Sep 5 2006, 01:32 AM
Because its media hype. Most of the people I talk to dont give a rats ass, in fact me and most people I talk to wish they could go a day with out hearing 9/11 for a fucking day. I would be happy to never hear of that day again. Yeah lots of people died, but fucking give it up, its in the past.
Its god damn ridiculus to see an ad for the 9/11 movie or some new tv show based on that day every 30 minutes.
But on a smaller note, that day did change things in the world for better or worse. Steve Irwin made a crappy movie and was paradoied on South Park. Not much else, in the greater scheme of things.
Sep 5 2006, 01:46 AM
I don't want to hear about that day, but I do give a rat's ass about it. Maybe cuz I have met someone (he was so proud of being a father soon) who later happened to be working on the floor where the first plane hit and later seeing his young son who's going to grow up without knowing his father?
Or working only a mile away from the Pentagon and still remembering what I did that day when we heard the reports and evacuating from the office. Or the days later on as you take the subway from VA into DC and you see the smoke billowing from the site as they are working. Or how about wondering frantically if a friend who was working in the Pentagon was okay or not?
Yeah, maybe I'm not most people, but there's a large chunk of folks in DC and NYC who do give a rat's ass.
SL James
Sep 5 2006, 01:53 AM
Oh, yeah. I knew people too. But I didn't (don't) really care about them enough to have shed a single tear.
Sep 5 2006, 01:55 AM
Ah well, different strokes for different folks. You don't care, that's great, your own prerogative. But I do have to say that some people still do give a rat's ass about things.
Sep 5 2006, 02:00 AM
You have to remember, PBTHHHT, it's "cool" to be an utter and complete cynic about everything at all times.
Sep 5 2006, 02:02 AM
oops, oh yeah. Forgive me, I need to up my cool stat... maybe if I drop my charisma and empathy stats. 'Scuse me while I redo my character sheet.
Wounded Ronin
Sep 5 2006, 02:18 AM
Just to defuse the guilt-beaming a little bit, I grew up in NYC and was 5 hours away when the towers were hit but I wasn't overwhelmingly emotional about it.
Regarding the "Crocodile Hunter", it was only a matter of time before one of his stunts killed him. Yes, it's tragic, but it's hardly unexpected. What is unexpected is how the fricking stingray spine managed to get through his ribcage into his heart. THAT'S fucked up.
Frag-o Delux
Sep 5 2006, 02:19 AM
oops, oh yeah. Forgive me, I need to up my cool stat... maybe if I drop my charisma and empathy stats. 'Scuse me while I redo my character sheet. |
Whats charisma have to do with anything? Many charismatic people have 0 empathy for things. I mean Hitler didnt rule a country becasue no one liked him, Ted Bundy didnt talk girls into his van to later kill them because he was a bumbling school boy.
In fact I have been know to be quite charismatic when I want to be.
Its not that I dont care about what happened that day, Im tired of seeing the media putting out crappy show after crappy show making ad revenue and other monies off that day. Like the new Flight 93 movie, did you know its going to be released September 5? If you didnt you must not have seen the 200 commercials that have been on today.
When I was taken on a tour of the Pentagon it was a bit emotional knowing where you were standing all those people had died there, and seeing the freezers they used for cold storage that day was a bit creepy. But all in all its getting to the point I dont care anymore.
Its like telling someone they are stupid they start to believe it after a while or telling someone everyday you love them, it becomes empty words. Telling people to remember 9/11 or telling them it was a tragedy all day long everyday it starts to ring hollow and becomes just another useless thing. I mean today is Labor day in America, can anyone with out googling tell me what labor day is?
Sep 5 2006, 09:58 AM
Eh, I care about it, but I don't go about watching everything about 9/11. I don't want to watch anything about it, and yes, I agree about all the crappy stuff the media is putting out, the cheese factor is up and they're doing it all for the publicity and ratings. I'm cynical enough to know that some folks are using it for their own poltical/monetary gains from the event. I'll just pause and do a prayer on my own time and solitude about it and just leave it at that. But to say that most people don't give a rat's ass about it is a bit much. Is it possible it's a reflexive reaction BECAUSE of the stupid media and the sensationalization of the whole event that's putting people off?
Sep 5 2006, 12:59 PM
Drop the 9/11 stuff, immediately. It's a touchy subject, and doesn't need to be brought up.
As for Steve Irwin, I loved that crazy guy. He was nuts, but in a good way, and as said above, you could tell he loved what he did and loved to be able to show people these incredibly dangerous creatures up close and personal.
I rarely watched his show, but i remember two episodes very clearly, for different reasons...
1) It was a series about the worlds deadliest snakes, and he was showing off the #3 or #4 most deadly snake, some water snake. He was treading water, quite a ways off from land, and holding this pissed off, hissing snake. He notes that if it bit him, he would be dead because he was too far from land to get adequate help in time. He's staring into this things mouth, pointing at the fangs and venom sacs, while this thing is less than a foot from his face desperately trying to eat his nose. And he looks happy as a clam.
2) It was night, and he'd climbed a tree to ge a look at a Tree Kangaroo, a little bearish looking critter, IIRC. He keeps edging up to get a better look at it, and it keeps swatting at him, planting these inch long claws right into the top of his head. He barely fliches, just backs off a little. After the scond time, the critter is pulling back claws covered in blood, but Steve just keeps going. He doesn't get mad, doesn't back down, just jokes "She thinks I want her banana... I gave her that banana!"
RIP Steve. Maybe heaven will have a little game preserve where you will get to chase down dinsoaurs or something.
Sep 5 2006, 01:04 PM
Yeah, I'll miss the guy, he really knew how to ham it up for the camera for good or ill. I also loved that he could parody himself like that express shipping commercial for the antivenom needed for his snakebite.
Sep 5 2006, 04:03 PM
His enthusiasm was very clear, and of such a nature I am totally convinced he was not simply acting enthused for the cameras. A great personality I shall miss.
Sep 5 2006, 05:32 PM
QUOTE (hyzmarca) |
Because it is the most unlikely thing ever. Stingrays aren't really dangerous. They're usually very docile and even if they stab you it isn't like a giant bite from a crocodile or a shark. It is painful but rarely life threatening. |
This is debatable. They aren't aggressive, and IIRC don't even have voluntary control over their tail barb, but that barb is of significant length—compare to being stabbed with a medium-sized fixed-blade knife. There are certainly more likely ways to die, but don't downplay the seriousness of the wound those things can cause.
Sep 5 2006, 07:15 PM
I think Steve would have liked for everyone to learn something from his death: Even the most docile creatures can kill you if givin the right situation.
Thanks for all the fish Croc Hunter.
emo samurai
Sep 5 2006, 08:06 PM
That guy was crazy cool.
Sep 6 2006, 12:16 AM
Comming from New Zealand the Croc-Hunter first stuck me as just-another-stupid-Ozzy. That accent, and the "Crikey", my god!
But you didn't have to like the guy to respect him. He lived more in his 44 years than most will in their lifetimes. He really cared about animals and did alot of good things for them. I can imagine his last thoughts being, "Crikey, I hope the little buggers's okay."
I dunno about "Class act" but he was a down-to-earth honest bloke, and I for one will be having a beer or two in his memory.
Sep 6 2006, 01:44 PM
QUOTE (hyzmarca) |
Because it is the most unlikely thing ever. Stingrays aren't really dangerous. They're usually very docile and even if they stab you it isn't like a giant bite from a crocodile or a shark. It is painful but rarely life threatening.
Not only did he swim near what was probably one one stingray that was nervous enough to attack, the attack was at such an angle that it went beneeth his ribs and into his heart. There is a better chance of being hit by lightening. In the entire history of the world only three people have ever been killed by stingrays, including Irwin. |
Had no Karma pool left, rolled snake eyes... And the GM in Heaven just said,"Sux 2 b u. Time to come home, mate."
RIP Steve.
Sep 6 2006, 05:34 PM
Shit though, I read a few quote from the crew that was with him, and this guy was tougher than I thought. When the stingray's barb went into him, he looked down and actually pulled it out!!
I know its not nice to joke about a death, but Im still wondering if he said "Crikey" as he pulled the barb out of his heart? And since the whole thing was caught on camera, I'm giving it a year before its in free criculation of the internet, which in a way is kinda disgusting, but seeing as how other sh*t always ends up on here, this will too probably.
Sep 6 2006, 05:44 PM
It'll be out much faster than a year from now -- from what I understand, he'd always made it very clear that he wanted any footage of his death (should it happen on camera) to be made publically and easily available, so people understand that he understood the danger of what he was doing, and could teach people something one last time.
Sep 6 2006, 05:50 PM
QUOTE (Critias) |
It'll be out much faster than a year from now -- from what I understand, he'd always made it very clear that he wanted any footage of his death (should it happen on camera) to be made publically and easily available, so people understand that he understood the danger of what he was doing, and could teach people something one last time. |
Kudos to him, then. I know that there is an article on that discussed the possibility of the video being released, but I did not read it.
Sep 6 2006, 06:08 PM
I'm sure, ultimately, it's up to his wife, etc. But I recall reading somewhere (sometime, in the last few days) that those were his wishes. I'm sure that puts the wife in a difficult spot -- do you broadcast your spouse's death to the whole world (which has to suck) or do you try to respect your family's privacy, such as it is, and go against your dead spouse's wishes (which has to suck).
Sep 6 2006, 06:29 PM
I'm not sure the former option sucks that much—I guess it really depends on how aligned their thinking is, but my impression from the (very) little I know about her is that his wife is at least partly from the same stock, thinking-wise.
Sep 6 2006, 06:35 PM
Reading the article about him making the statement, it seems more like a throw away comment made during the interview it was taken from than a statement of intent.
Just thinking of the crap that people will do with that video should it ever hit the web makes me hope they never release it. The friend of Irwins who had to watch it said it should be destroyed, and I tend to agree with him.
Sep 6 2006, 08:57 PM
QUOTE (Kagetenshi) |
I'm not sure the former option sucks that much—I guess it really depends on how aligned their thinking is, but my impression from the (very) little I know about her is that his wife is at least partly from the same stock, thinking-wise.
~J |
She does seem to be, but I can only imagine what losing Steve would do to that mindset.
Sep 8 2006, 01:37 AM
QUOTE (Frag-o Delux @ Sep 5 2006, 01:26 AM) |
Because its a normal responce for someone that you know, not some personality on your tv set. Unless everyone else in the world gets emotionally attached to tv personalities. |
I would like to think that people understand that all human life is a precious thing. It hit harder this time, because we knew his name and saw his face. He brought us laughter and joy.
I think if more people saw how precious human life was there would be less problems in this world.
Steve Irwin was a great guy, as far as I can tell, I wish his family the best.
Frag-o Delux
Sep 8 2006, 02:09 AM
QUOTE (Rajaat99) |
QUOTE (Frag-o Delux @ Sep 5 2006, 01:26 AM) | Because its a normal responce for someone that you know, not some personality on your tv set. Unless everyone else in the world gets emotionally attached to tv personalities. |
I would like to think that people understand that all human life is a precious thing. It hit harder this time, because we knew his name and saw his face. He brought us laughter and joy. I think if more people saw how precious life was there would be less problems in this world.
Steve Irwin was a great guy, as far as I can tell, I wish his family the best.
Im sure he was a great guy, to people that knew him. And Im sure he would have been a great guy to any person that would have met him should he still be alive. But in the reality of it, hes just a person you saw on a TV show once in a while, if you watched it at all, other then knowing who he was through mainstream popculture.
Human life is only precious to people because they fear their own mortality, not because life is precious. Other wise we wouldnt eat other animals. I mean if all life is precious there must be grade of preciousnous right? I mean my life must be more precious then a cows because we dont cry each time we eat a hamburger or roast chicken, hell I bet you dont cry when you eat a salad, lettuce was once alive too.
Should have I cried when I first heard of George Washington when I found out he died almost 200 years ago? How about when I first learned of the Holocaust? The killing fields of the Khmer Rouge? Hell should I have cried when I found out Hitler died, Stalin, Pol Pot? Life is precious after all, unless there are levels of preciousnous.
I knew the names of the three stooges, the Marx brothers and Lucille ball and desi arnez, but I didnt cry when I found out they had died. Why would I, I didnt know them. Freddy Mercury and Grahm Chapman both shortened their own lives through their life styles, but I still liked their music and comedy, but still didnt care they died, I didnt know them.
I guess Im cold hearted, life isnt that precious to me. The world and more then likely the universe is full of it.
Wounded Ronin
Sep 8 2006, 03:22 AM
QUOTE (toturi) |
QUOTE (hyzmarca @ Sep 5 2006, 06:17 AM) | Because it is the most unlikely thing ever. Stingrays aren't really dangerous. They're usually very docile and even if they stab you it isn't like a giant bite from a crocodile or a shark. It is painful but rarely life threatening.
Not only did he swim near what was probably one one stingray that was nervous enough to attack, the attack was at such an angle that it went beneeth his ribs and into his heart. There is a better chance of being hit by lightening. In the entire history of the world only three people have ever been killed by stingrays, including Irwin. |
Had no Karma pool left, rolled snake eyes... And the GM in Heaven just said,"Sux 2 b u. Time to come home, mate."
RIP Steve.
I've also started to see this world this way after many years of SR3.
Sep 9 2006, 01:11 AM
QUOTE (Frag-o Delux) |
QUOTE (Rajaat99 @ Sep 7 2006, 08:37 PM) | QUOTE (Frag-o Delux @ Sep 5 2006, 01:26 AM) | Because its a normal responce for someone that you know, not some personality on your tv set. Unless everyone else in the world gets emotionally attached to tv personalities. |
I would like to think that people understand that all human life is a precious thing. It hit harder this time, because we knew his name and saw his face. He brought us laughter and joy. I think if more people saw how precious human life was there would be less problems in this world.
Steve Irwin was a great guy, as far as I can tell, I wish his family the best.
Im sure he was a great guy, to people that knew him. And Im sure he would have been a great guy to any person that would have met him should he still be alive. But in the reality of it, hes just a person you saw on a TV show once in a while, if you watched it at all, other then knowing who he was through mainstream popculture.
Human life is only precious to people because they fear their own mortality, not because life is precious. Other wise we wouldnt eat other animals. I mean if all life is precious there must be grade of preciousnous right? I mean my life must be more precious then a cows because we dont cry each time we eat a hamburger or roast chicken, hell I bet you dont cry when you eat a salad, lettuce was once alive too.
Should have I cried when I first heard of George Washington when I found out he died almost 200 years ago? How about when I first learned of the Holocaust? The killing fields of the Khmer Rouge? Hell should I have cried when I found out Hitler died, Stalin, Pol Pot? Life is precious after all, unless there are levels of preciousnous.
I knew the names of the three stooges, the Marx brothers and Lucille ball and desi arnez, but I didnt cry when I found out they had died. Why would I, I didnt know them. Freddy Mercury and Grahm Chapman both shortened their own lives through their life styles, but I still liked their music and comedy, but still didnt care they died, I didnt know them.
I guess Im cold hearted, life isnt that precious to me. The world and more then likely the universe is full of it.
Human life is precious, it has nothing to do with mortality. I do not fear death and I strongly believe that human life is precious.
I believe I said Human life. You're just creating an argument for argument's sake. And besides, I din't say I cried, you're putting words in my mouth. Do you work for the western media?
Yes, when every human dies, it's terrible, even if they were a horrible person. Sometimes people must die in order to stop them from killing other people. This is a horrible thing, and a horrible choice. They chose a horrible path, but that doesn't make them less human.
I'm sorry human life isn't precious to you. You must live a lonely, empty life and I feel sorry for you.
I hope Steve Irwin's family is doing well.
Frag-o Delux
Sep 9 2006, 03:53 AM
What makes human life anymore precious then a dogs life, or a cats life?
And I didnt mean literally cry, sorry bad choice of words, I guess I should have said feel bad or mournful.
Ill disregard the western media comment because obviously the eastern media does in no way manipulate things at all. I mean, the eastern people are so far more advanced then westerners and they wouldnt do such things.
Again you are making assumptions. My life isnt empty or lonely and I certainly dont need your pitty. Why would it be empty? I live my life like everyone else in the world, I just dont care when strangers die. And why would I be lonely? I know how to make friends and meet people, I just dont care when strangers die.
You have a lot of emotion built up inside dont you? Feeling sorry for everyone and getting all upset when strangers die. I feel sorry for you, it seems you are the one sitting around listening to depressing music and writing in your journal about how depressing life is.
Sep 9 2006, 05:20 AM
What a magical fucking place DS is. A thread about a man dying can turn into an argument.
emo samurai
Sep 9 2006, 05:27 AM
An argument in which the value of human life is brought into question, no less.
Sep 9 2006, 02:16 PM
Indeed. let it drop guys...
Sep 9 2006, 06:23 PM
QUOTE (Bull) |
Indeed. let it drop guys...
*sigh* |
Agreed, I'll feed the Troll no more.
Sep 9 2006, 06:32 PM
You fail "letting it drop".
Sep 10 2006, 09:28 PM
How long until we get songs made for Steve?
Sep 10 2006, 10:03 PM
My thoughts on Steve Irwin:
The most memorable episode I can recall was him swimming with this 25' long sea croc, you see him in frame, touching the haunch. the camera man is some distance behind them both, with Steve Irwin doing the voice over. He's talking about how these things can lunge int he water something like nearly their full body length in a strike in almost any direction, then the thing takes offense to Steve touching it's leg and snaps, but not at Steve, the poor camera guy is the first thing it sees and you get this great shot of a 7' mouth with huge teeth coming straight at the camera. Then, the scene cuts abruptly and it's from Steve's POV holding the camera. I thought to myself, now there is a Camera man who knows his limits.
His friends and crew always thought that should he be killed by an animal, it would be inthe ocean. On land he was qquick, agile and could make excellent use of his reflexes. Water is a different story, we aren't bred for exploring and matching wits with predators in the ocean.
I liked him as a TV personality, but I won't mourn for him. He died doing what he loves, there is no sadness in that for me. My heart goes out to his family and friends for their loss, but how many of us will have the same opportunity to do what we love until the end?
Sep 15 2006, 02:21 AM
Its called a stingray not a hugray.
Sep 19 2006, 03:01 PM
that really sucks i'm really gonna miss the guy