Oct 20 2003, 01:08 PM
Just wanted to repost the link to the corporate anarchy mod now that the forums have been reset.
Corporate Anarchy Progress has gone pretty well with mapping, modeling, and concept work. The team has increased as well, we're now at 19 core members. The main reason I've started this whole project was microsofts neglect of the shadowrun license, and also the lack of any good cyberpunk multiplayer games. While Dues Ex has shown that cyberpunk genre fps/rpg games can be quite popular, its multiplayer ability was poorly implemented. As such, there is NO good multiplayer fps game in the cyberpunk genre. There are alot of game mechanics that I wanted to do with shadowrun, but the sheer complexity and amount of calculations makes it extremely prohibitive. Both my enjoyment of shadowrun and my discontent with its shortcomings have been put into this new effort.
Unlike the traits of shadowrun
We have
The more high numbered traits, the more expensive it becomes to purchase the trait. Extra penalties apply for having high traits that are almost opposed to each other, for example speed and armoring, stealth and sensory. Its my hope that this system will encourage players to make specialized characters that excel at one particular playstyle.
Unlike any other game I know of, in CA your traits significantly control how your weapons handle. Strength reduces the recoil of the gun, speed allows your firing cone to shrink faster after the recoil has increased the size of the firing cone, and precision gives you higher overall accuracy.
Anyway if you have some suggestions or ideas for the mod, feel free to post on the forums. If all goes well, this should be THE game to play if your a shadowrun fan. However we have no plans for magic at this time, we don't want to do TOO much at once.
Kanada Ten
Oct 22 2003, 01:22 AM
Oct 22 2003, 06:26 AM
Looks pretty cool to me. I can't wait to see more than concept art
Just a note, you might want to add in a valign="top" to the table cell with the navigation images. Browsers other than ie for windows don't assume you mean that.
And btw, if you want someone to go through and clean up that code, just drop me a line...
Oct 22 2003, 02:45 PM
Yup, quite nice indeed. When will we see the mod complete? More or less, doesn't have to be exact.
Fresno Bob
Oct 25 2003, 03:26 AM
How can a mod have started when the games not even friggin out yet? Are you going off the leaked source code, or something?
Oct 26 2003, 06:18 AM
Modeling can be done beforehand, and rough maps can be imported from the hl1 worldcraft to the hl2. Also the game mechanics can be written out and then revised many many times before coding even begins. Also minor things like the HUD sprits and music/sound effects can also be made beforehand. Beta should start a couple months after hl2s release. Also we will not use the betas sourcecode.
Nov 6 2003, 10:44 AM
Have you contacted Microsoft and asked them if you could make a Shadowrun-mod?
It looks sweet.
Nov 9 2003, 02:13 PM
the problem is that no cyberpunk game is complete without a proper cyberspace. but deus ex made the hacking boreing after some time and mods like public-enemy for hl (www.public-enemy.org for those interested) just made CS with cyberware and i fear that this one to will turn into something like this.
the problem with cyberspace is that it would turn into agame within the game but i would love to be able to park my virtual meat and go messing with the enemys brain by takeing over gun points, doors and whats not...
now im not asking for a extra map but rather something like a interface where i cansearch for diffrent controlable stuff and mess with them, maybe scan for other users and kill theyre connections
Nov 13 2003, 08:54 PM
very valid opinion. Cyberspace needed for game to be cyberpunk.
Theres about a 90% chance we won't have cyberspace, we're already trying to do alot for a mod. However there will be a form of hacking. Two of the 6 character traits deal with hacking, sensory and stealth. Think of it more like ghost in the shell hacking rather then shadowrun hacking. Players are not only running around with guns, their also hacking in real time. Instead of matrix security, each building complex has a security rating. Depending on your actions and your stealth/sensory rating, the building will react differently. The enemy team may even try to raise the buildings security rating on purpose to impede your own progress. So in a way we will have hacking, just not the full sensory cyberspace one might expect.
Important landmarks, mission objectives, and detected enemy players will be visible as translucent geometric shapes in a style similar to the game Tron 2.0.
My own opinion of cyberpunk is a dystopian future with giant cities, and either alot of hacking, alot of cybernetics, or a combination of the two. Oh and we have some new concept art up at the website.
Theres also NO WAY that microsoft would give us the shadowrun license, if I was less afraid of microsofts army of lawyers CA might have had magic or psionics.
In regards to public-enemy, I don't think they even did the cyberpunk. It was basically a weapons mod, with a very tiny amount of cybernetics one could buy. None of the cybernetics really DID anything worthwhile. As cool as cyberware may be, unlease it actually gives the players more *abilities* its not worth implementing.
Dec 13 2003, 07:07 AM
I'm not trying to specifically bump this thread, but I thought there was a nice piece of original art that some of you might appreciate.
Dec 13 2003, 05:35 PM
as long as i can maybe take over some security guns and other stuff to mess with the opponents head im happy
oh and i think public enemy did a good job, and like they said they hit a wall with the engine long before they expected...
and mutch of the cyber described in SR books have more RPG effects then shooter effects...
oh and pretty please say that i will be able to control that drone
nothing like telling it to stay close then find a place to hide and take control
Dec 13 2003, 07:04 PM
That is a sweetass fucking mecha. So, there. I had to say it.
Dec 13 2003, 09:15 PM
Anything cyberpunk is worth a shot. I will mention that I think you guys should remember to convert all of your concept art out of .BMP format, because those are painful to load online, even with a broadband connection. If you're looking for a web-graphic designer, you can drop me a line, I currently have nothing in that area going on and I love to help
Jan 29 2004, 05:30 AM
January Update is up. Both some concept drawing and some models. This is a pretty good vision of what the insides of a delta clinic look like.
delta clinicMain website
Mar 23 2004, 12:44 AM
Lonestars got nothing on these guys!
cop conceptcop vtolWe're getting a website redesign soon, hence why I've been to lazy up update the main page.
Mar 23 2004, 12:52 AM
Man, that art is looking SWEET. I'll be making use of some of that. The Delta Clinic for sure...
Mar 23 2004, 10:28 PM
Very nice. Looks like Quakeulf is following in the footsteps of Geoff Darrow. Excellent concept sketches. Hope you guys make it all the way through to a finished product.
Mar 25 2004, 06:20 AM
Gotta toss my hat in this one and say that not only is the conceptual artwork bleeding amazing (building detail is insane!), the 3d models are an outstanding piece of work. They are so close to the artwork, in their design, that it's kind of freaky.
Great job guys!
And yes...Quakeulf, you're the man!
Mar 25 2004, 08:33 AM
This is a pretty good vision of what the insides of a delta clinic look like. delta clinic |
That image is truely awesome.
Mar 26 2004, 01:32 AM
Sounds neat, but I don't like the idea of opposing attributes. Stealth and awareness, for instance, are more commonly found in the same people in real life, as are speed and toughness. Opposing attributes would force players to specilize even if they don't want to, while reducing the amount of specializations they can have. Also, do you have some sort of psychic power, or "magic" system like Shadowrun? That would rock.
Mar 26 2004, 05:01 AM
Speed and toughness aren't always found in the same person.
Arnold is tough, but he's not a runner or a trained martial artist, juggler, etc...that would have fast reflexes or fast run times.
Prefontaine(sp) was an excelent runner, but he wouldn't stand to well against the great Ali.
Speed in punching or kicking, is different than speed in running, and both are different from being tough.
Hence why there are two main types of workouts: Muscle Fitness, and Vascular fitness
A balance of the two will give you someone who is fast and strong.
The same could be said about stealth and awareness. Being quite is an "exporting" action, and being aware is an "importing" action. They aren't really the same although they do compliment eachother very nicely. You could be good at being quite and sneeking around, but real bad at being aware of things around you. (like a 4 year old who quitely stole the cookie and thought no one was looking.)
Mar 30 2004, 05:45 AM
just because a trait is opposing doesn't meant you can't have it. You can still have high sensory and high stealth, however its gonna cost you. Remember this isn't character generation for normal people, the players are full-body conversion cyborgs.
Thanks very much for your remarks. I'm still a little confused myself how I got to be leader of this project.
Anyhow, I used to DM for shadowrun and some of the discontentment of shadowrun went into the design document of corporate anarchy. While this game won't exactly have gamemasters, there is a rather easy way to create your own missions. The game calls for giant city maps, so we're prefabricating buildings, little more then emty shells and then will use them to create dense citys of 2 by 2 kilometers. Standard elevators, lobbys and skylobbies will be added, and then for the 10 missions per map various mission specific floors will be added to certain buildings. A finished map would leave over 95% of the buildings without anything inside except the elevator system and lobbies.
Ideally, we will be able to release this maps along with the tools to let players make their own missions within the cities. Since the city is already created, the player only needs to make the custom rooms and events needed. Unlike games like counter-strike, making a new mission will not require creating a completely new map.
Mar 30 2004, 01:54 PM
gah, i hate the forum on that page, it keeps bitching about me needing to use ie 4 or better. well i do, i use mozilla
still im looking forward to seeing the mod in action (if ever) i just hope you somehow is able to integrate some form of cyberspace...
Apr 5 2004, 05:55 PM
Well theres a problem with doing hacking the shadowrun way. In a shadowrun game the hacker can jack in, and depend on the other players to protect his body. In the game of online first player shooters, having such great dependency on your teammates ranged from insane to absolutely frustrating.
Lets say players that hack in cyberspace are based at headquarters and don't have a body that needs protecting. So how would you implement cyberspace? Would you have it similar to the system shock series, where cyberspace was like descent, with zero gravity, 3 degrees of freedom, and hacking was a matter of shooting the ICE programs?
I would definetly prefer to implement cyberspace before any sort of magic, if we added magic I think the game would be so similar to shadowrun that microsoft would come down hard on us.
What was your favorite hacking scene in a movie? Telling me something like that will help me understand what kind of hacking you want. Now I love hacking, but the cyberspace battles from books like neuromancer do NOT translate well into gaming.
Apr 5 2004, 06:48 PM
well i made some posts over on the corporate anarchy forums...
Jul 1 2004, 05:18 PM
The websites been redesigned, we've got more concept art up and we had an interview with hl2grounds.net that reveals quite a bit about the game mechanics.
cyberpunk mod corporate anarchy
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