Oct 20 2003, 08:08 PM
Crusty old gamer here (33) looking for a group in the Chicago area. I'm in the west suburbs but willing to take a commute for a decent team.
Drop me a line:
Replace smiley with @
Oct 20 2003, 09:33 PM
One gamer in Oak Park
(Currently lacking any transportation besides mass transit)
Oct 22 2003, 04:05 PM
FanPro LLC
1608 N. Milwaukee
Suite 1005
Chicago, IL 60647
Oct 22 2003, 04:22 PM
That's cruel, but at least you didn't post the Pharmacy address.
Oct 22 2003, 07:25 PM
Hrmm, maybe I'll bring them lunch. Think they like pizza?
While I'm there I'll just happen to slip something into the conversation like "Man, I've really enjoyed playing over the years, it's a shame I can't find a game here in Chicago of all places"
Then they'll say "We play every Saturday down at Boyle's place and we could really use a sharp, intelligent and personable guy like yourself, care to join us?"
Then I'll say "Wow! That's a great idea! Thanks man!"
Think it'll work?
Oct 25 2003, 09:01 AM
Hello guys!
I'm a player in Chicago. 28 years old.. Actually my girlfriend and i are tossing the idea around about finding a group to join.
I'm going to create a little mini campaign this weekend for just her to play to get warmed up i think.
I'd enjoy getting to know some of you cats. I'm new to these baords and don't knwo too many people in Chicagoland.
Oct 29 2003, 01:33 AM
Where are you in Chicago?
Oct 29 2003, 07:39 AM
Hey there Noman,
We're out near Glen Ellyn, Planning on moving downtown (or close) in March.
Oct 29 2003, 11:17 PM
I'd like to get together with you guys and see if we can't work out some kind of campaign. Drop me an email and we'll see what will work.
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