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Full Version: New York, NY And Surrounding Areas
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Anyone else out there in the Tri-State area?

Westchester, Rockland, NYC, Northern NJ and Southern Connecticut, speak now or forever hold your peace (and make me feel sad and alone)!
Stompin' around here in Long Island, New York, Zazen, what's the sit-rep?
I'm now forced to give up my Wednesday game for a few months to account for classes, but I don't want to stop playing. Anyone out there have a game in New York City, northern New Jersey, southern Connecticut, or Westchester/Rockland?

I'm a semi-experienced GM with several of the books, a car, and a lust for playing. I'm very easy to get along with. I have no problems GMing, but always prefer to play first to get to know everyone's playing style.

Bookwyrm, how's your situation? smile.gif
Haven't heard any new news about an SR game in my area, I'll check some RW message boards. Right now, I've been busy keeping up with the new books that have come out.
Just felt like giving this a futile bump..
Hm. I'm in New Haven, CT if that helps at all. smile.gif
So, are you still looking for a game? Or players? A couple of friends and I are kind of trying to get one going now...
Saint Hallow
I live in Brooklyn. I would love to join a game.
Do you still have an opening because I'm looking to get into a game? I live in Harrison in Westchester county if anyone else is close by hit me up email is
Im in Dutchess Co and have been running a bi-weekly game since June, the corps are hot on our heels now. I hear rumours about NYC games but they are deep in the shadows.

If you wanted to pull chummers together for a few runs I could run the game. NYC has places that can host games, Complete Strat for example.
I live in Westchester and work in NYC, and may be looking to start a game in the next few months or so.
I'll post here if we need any players.
(Poster from Harrison, you find a game at all yet?)
no no one's hit me up yet for a game. I can host the game if you need to. Send me an email at
Benjamin Ehrenreich
Heya, I'm trying to get a group together - I have a space (In Washington Heights) and 1 player. Hit me up for more details if you are interested.
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