Oct 21 2003, 01:08 PM
While jaunting through the net, I came across
this little tidbit. I figured D20 Modern was for the future, with sourcebooks (as in a certain D20 Mecha some guy is informing all of us about here
) to flesh out any Sci Fi worlds, and Star Wars D20 rules to provide meat to any weak settings.
Anyone got any more news, or are we going to have to wait a year before we can do Starcraft, D20 style? And could this be why Dune was dropped? <I kinda thought that the caste-like social structure in Dune lent itself to D20 classes>
Oct 21 2003, 01:58 PM
I doubt that d20 Future was really being considered when Dune was dropped; IIRC it was for other reasons, although I can't quite remember the specifics right now.
As far as I'm concerned, there's probably enough d20 material already available or kit-bashable to play any "future" setting, although there is as of yet no real standard on cybernetic/bio/etc implants within d20. I suspect d20 Future will provide those, to a degree.
Oct 21 2003, 02:28 PM
I'd like to see how they take on the problem of people taking way too much 'ware and going full Munchkin. Like making your entire body chrome. Insane, doable, and rather intimidating. Of course, then you don't have to spend the level points to increase your physicals, you can just shell over some cash and have it done that way.
Oct 21 2003, 03:07 PM
Cyberpsychosis (a la Cyberpunk 20xx) is still my favorite cyberware limiter. Sure, we can stick your brain and a couple of other organs in a jar inside this full body conversion... but if you don't shell out huge bucks for the therapy, you'll be nuts almost immediately. Though they did have a military 'borg which ALWAYS made you nuts (they just used control chips to make sure you only went nuts when ordered to do so)
Oct 22 2003, 01:43 AM
QUOTE (Adam) |
I doubt that d20 Future was really being considered when Dune was dropped; IIRC it was for other reasons, although I can't quite remember the specifics right now. |
If you mean the LUG property that went to WotC when WotC bought LUG, it's because the Herbert estate yanked the license.
Oct 22 2003, 03:17 AM
Well that would explain why the 1st card expansion for the Dune tcg hasn't come out yet. =P
Oct 22 2003, 09:08 AM
Anyone want a bet they're going to revamp their old Stardrive setting? WotC has a history of not leaving well enough alone so I expect they'll probably dig up their old property rather than come up with a completely new one.
Kid Ridiculous
Oct 29 2003, 07:02 AM
D20 future? If it's far future, maybe I'd consider it, if it's near future, then feh, Shadowrun's the way to go.
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