Greetings All,
Sharing some of my software with the rest of the SR3 world (or at least our portion of it).
I often ran into problems adding initiatives for my NPCs, espcially when a number of them have different initiatives. So, I wrote this program for Win95+ (sorry Mac/Linux users) which "rolls" five dice and then displays their values and the sum resulting in 1d6, 2d6, 3d6, 4d6, and 5d6 rolls. This covers all the initatives in my game right now. It also shows the results of the individual dice should you want to know them. All you have to do is add the right reactions to the value you need from the dialog. Cuts out some of the addition that a combat turn comes with.
You should be able to download the program here.
There is a link underneath the table that appears in the right hand frame. I have no idea what the bandwith allocation is for the program, but since it's only like 56kb, I can't imagine you guys will exceed it!
-- Dashifen --