I've lost that space I was using to provide the SR4Chargen.XLS file. That's been a while now, and I appologize to anyone that hit on a dead link trying to find it.
However it seems that at least a few people got it before it went down, and I just got a request a few days ago to update for Street Magic. Well I'm mostly done that. The only thing remaining is creating the short descriptions for the new Adept Powers, which I've only done about 1/3 of so far.
I've also updated and improved the spell list, and added the new Qualities. I didn't bother add the new foci because they are all only usable by Initiates AFAIK, which means normally won't be purchased by starting characters. Is my assumption on the mark? Does it make sense not to include them? Nobody is actually using that SR4Chargen.XLS file to track ongoing characters, right? Because it was never intended to be used that way.
Anyway, here is where you can come in. Please respond to this post if you've got some fairly stable web space to upload the file to once I do complete it.
P.S. Incidentally the file also contains a change to the main page that implements a new house rule, an entire subsystem really for a more flexable networking system for adhoc Contacts, more abstracted wealth, and tigher integration of Fake IDs into purchasing and Lifestyles. Basically tying together all these related things that are not mechanically tied together in the canon rules. Unfortunately the actual rules themselves are at this momment in the process of initial playtesting. I'm actually starting out a campaign from the get-go with them. As soon as we've played 4 or 5 sessions, assuming things shake out approximately as intended, I'll want to post up a PDF in the hope of getting some more playtesting data and feedback on readibility of the rules.