Oct 3 2006, 07:11 AM
So, I'm an aspiring writer. I enjoy Shadowrun quite a bit. And while I have original creator-owned works, I find that getting in the mindset to write in-between my soul-crushing corp job to be a little difficult. So I'm setting this up as a writing exercise, a sample of my work, and an "I love you" to SR. Comments and constructive criticism are welcome and encouraged. your friends.
Oct 3 2006, 03:33 PM
I once started a similar fictional blog set in 2070 but it didn't last long because I couldn't update as frequently as someone connected 24/24 7/7 to the Matrix and who didn't have to imagine his own life would.
I like the style of your first entries and I hope you'll do better than me.
Oct 5 2006, 02:24 AM
Well, my intent isn't to chronicle one matrix junkie's rants, but rather to string together a bunch of personal accounts to tell a story. I'm going to start out with some basic posts just to introduce the characters, then move into an actual, ongoing storyline.
Oct 12 2006, 04:53 AM
in the process of doing something simmilar, if anything really just to host my writing so i have a real place to store it besides in my head and in my comp.
Wolfboy's stories
Oct 13 2006, 09:13 PM
lol. figures the only post I get about this is a thread-jack to another blog.
Oct 13 2006, 09:48 PM
Just haven't had a chance to really check it out yet.
Oct 13 2006, 09:56 PM
Oh, I wasn't trying to guilt anyone. I'm sure (or I'm hoping) readers will trickle in over time. I'm going to start updating it more frequently. I was just remarking about how funny it is that, up until just now, the only people who posted here were people who are writing or used to write for similar projects.
"Hey, read my stuff!"
"Interesting. You know, I used to write stuff."
"Hey hey, how about YOU read MY stuff?"
etc. etc.
Oct 21 2006, 06:41 PM
I finished it wanting to read more. The characters are nicely drawn - you can pick up on their quirks and individual identities from the things they say in their first-person voice. You get a sense of their distinctive personalities reading the different posts.
And I did love the idea of an ork intellectual seduced by orksploitation!
So far, I have a sense of who they are as people but not, (apart from Oliy), what their "professional" talents are, apart from winning bar fights. I like that order, though. Too often it's "this character is a decker/rigger/mage" and when you ask about who their personalities are, you get a blank look and "um... you mean their Charisma stat?"
Jan 24 2007, 11:38 PM
Well, after dropping off the face of the earth for a while due to...well, a lot of stuff, I've re-started. It's just one post so far, but I'm going to try and devote at least one day a week to updating the story. The link is, as always, in my signature.
SL James
Jan 25 2007, 04:00 AM
QUOTE (Blade) |
I once started a similar fictional blog set in 2070 but it didn't last long because I couldn't update as frequently as someone connected 24/24 7/7 to the Matrix and who didn't have to imagine his own life would. |
Dude, that disqualifies you from making a blog now.
Jan 30 2007, 10:42 AM
I'm liking it, post here when you update, ok?
Jan 30 2007, 05:23 PM
Thanks. I'm planning to update it this week, and I'm hoping for a weekly update schedule.
Jan 31 2007, 01:23 AM
I might mention though, the way it's heading, it's looking like it's going to be a little superpowered, with the Ork bashing up scores of people, and a obviously initiatory troll adept and elf mage.
I like the style, it's cute, but I feel that very powerful main characters alienate readers, and block our empathy towards them.
Jan 31 2007, 02:03 AM
Even a starting ork runner in SR4 is likely capable of bashing up a bar full of no-names, and Oggie wound up needing a bit of medical care and a bail-out from Tommy, after all. As for the adept being initiated...Astral Perception is a standard Adept power, not an Initiate power. I intended for them to be somewhat seasoned, but I haven't described anything yet that you couldn't do out of char gen.
And while I tend to agree with you about overly powerful main characters, I think the fiction market begs to differ...Harry Potter (say what? he stalemates the unspeakable evil guy and teleports to safety in the movies?), Drizzt, the Stormbringer series, Vertigo Comics' Lucifer series, as well as The Sandman...most popular fiction heroes are head and shoulders above their nearest peers.
Jun 21 2007, 08:41 PM
After nearly 6 months of hiatus due to...well, call it writer's block and other projects, I've finally updated the damn thing again.
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