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Full Version: Street Magic now supported by SR4Chargen
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For those that tend to skip over updates in the Stickie threads, and I know you're out there because I'm one of you. smile.gif

Fellow DSFer Aaron has kindly offered to host the latest version. This new version adds the spells, powers, and qualties found in the Street Magic book. It also now allows you to specify which attribute is being augmented by the Attribute Boost adept power, and it gives a little more detail on each spell in the spell list.

I've also added somebody else's house rule Quality I liked from the SR4 forum, Extra Native Language. It is clearly marked as a House Rule, so don't try to slide this one unapproved past your GM, please. nyahnyah.gif

There is also a new House Rule check box that adds another special Attribute. But I've not provided the rules for this yet. Once again this is based on some stuff I read on the SR4 forum, but actually fleshed out and put into working form. Unfortunately I'm not ready to make it public yet, still doing some live testing. So if you are interested, or even just curious, please check back in a month or so. Thanks.

P.S. I'd also like to thank another DSF poster, Black Mamba, for a very polite PM he sent me that gave me the required wakeup prod to update the data tables for Street Magic.
Sorry, please ignore.
Is there any easy way for a person to add more optional house rules to this sheet, like altering the costs of a couple of things? I would like to be able to add a tag for my house rules.
Hell yeah!
Made some modifications for my and my RP group's personal use, thought I should share. I'd add a lot more functionality if I knew how to access the skill and spell tables (I pretty much taught myself Excel by working on this CharGen).

The file can be located here:

List of changes:

Removed sex from the "Name (sex)" line
Added alias
Added Lifestyle
Added Age, Sex, Height, Weight

Reiterates basic info
Condition monitors
Current status (nuyen, street cred, karma, etc)
Armor, Melee Weapons, Ammo, Ranged Weapons
Modifiers for all characteristics (helps during character advancement, rather
than overextending build points)

Added Tradition section
Added Drain

Added sections for Living Persona

Added sections for Commlink, Identities and Licenses

Sections for tracking when karma is spent for what enhancements, and general
advancement notes

To Do:
Init Passes
Matrix initiative
Matrix Defense
Astral Defense
Thanks for the work.

I want to ask though, what were you trying to do with that Attr column? Knowing that information, although not applicable for all Groups, can be nice. But it doesn't add that much if you have to go and look up every Skill all the time. Why not just append that to the names of the skills? That's pretty easy, just Unhide 'Sheet1' and find the column listing the Groups/Skills. Or better yet, especially if you are going to add the column anyway, then have the column provide the value of the Attribute+Skill instead of just the Attribute name (which I think is what you intended given the Language entires?). That would require inserting a column next to the Group/Skill list, and populating that column with the Attribute information to be used in calculating the Attribute+Skill. The most obvious and stable way to represent that info would be just using a 3 letter abbreviation for each Attribute. However for ease of use in the function for calculating Attribute+Skill you'd populate that column with the cell reference of where to find the Modified Attribute value.

BTW if you are going to put Lifestyle and Alias in you might as well put in the FakeIDs with their aliases on the QuickRef page.

Oh, and what do you mean "Init Passes" on the ToDo list? Because they are already done and up there right under the Initiative Attribute? Although if you are actually using the printouts as a characters sheet during play it wouldn't be bad to do some formating to highlight the actual Attributes, including the IP, better for printouts. Right now that sort of blends into the background. Since you made the layout wider for the bottom of the page the top section could be slid to line up on the left side of the page allowing the numbers in the "Modified" column to be enlarged to better stand out.

P.S. On your machine do the entries that are blank on the main page show up as "0" on the QuickRef page like they are for me? I think you have to use the Text() function, or maybe it's the T() function, to properly process references to optional fields like that.
New version ready.

The attributes have been calculated like you suggested. My original idea was just to put the name of the attribute alongside the skill, but now I've made it calculate the dice pool.

Added Chinese, Chinese (Cantonese), Chinese (Mandarin), Korean to Languages
Removed Combat from Skills
Changed Astral to Astral Combat in Skills
InitPass shows up properly on QuickRef
Commlink is in dropdown list now rather than user-configured

Having a hard time with the attributes for the knowledge skills, because the abbreviations from the skill list (besides IN) are not clear to me what categories they fall under (Professional, Academic, etc)

If you can fix the formatting on QuickRef, please do. That's not one of my strong points. I also do get the "0's", not sure how to fix it. (Tried several methods, but none of them worked)

And in answer to your email, yes, my intention was to have this function as a digitized, editable character sheet. (I run 90% of my games over the internet with old buddies from college).
Thanks for the Character Generator. Only beef I have is that it (as I have seen it) does not support initiation.

I really like the work you guys have done. I hope one day we will have a true replacement for the glory that is MacMackie's 3rd ed work.

Would like to see a few drop downs for gear, but that project could go on forever. I underdtand about waiting till the gun book comes out to fiddle with that.

Thank you to all who've worked on this. It's very pretty.

Only comments are: it's a bit odd to have attributes starting at 0. It might look nicer if it were reformatted slightly to allow you to just choose how many points you wanted to add to it, rather than setting an attribute. My taste may not be the same as everyone's though.

Also, don't know if this has been mentioned, but ultimately, it would be very cool to have a proper character sheet in there, that you could print off.

If you didn't know though, it opens and appears to work fine in Open Office. smile.gif


Because of the way me and my group tend to play RPG's I added an initiative tracker that has simple formulas and conditional formating in it.

What this means is that the players can look after initiative/damages for me if I need them to and I can concentrate running the combat and not have to jump screens a lot on my laptop, Me and my group have a trusting relationship and I don't mind if they know what damages/adjustments my bad guys are on...

It just helps me streamline the play in my game, I have plans for a combat Crib Sheet that I will attach into the sheet that blakkie has created as well so all the data they will need for combat. (Like Dice Pools, Weapon Stats Armour etc etc...)

Glock-9mm (NZ)
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