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Full Version: The birth of Direct Neural Interface...
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > General Gaming
Hey all, just spotted this on Slashdot...


If there's a more perfect example of modern DNI, I don't know what it is.

Now, can I get hooked up with one of those systems? nyahnyah.gif
Not to steal your thunder or to diminish the impact of how cool that is, but researchers and scientists had people playing Pong with a brain-surface microchip a year or two back. The awesome thing about that at the time is that 9/10 of their subjects had learned to do it in a very short amount of time (in minutes, can't recall the exact number). I used to have the article saved as "datajack precursor", so I'll see if I can find it later.

I think an important difference here is that in something like Space Invaders, you're not only executing "movement" commands, but you're executing the command to fire as well. I'm not sure what the significance of that is, but it seems like a big deal to me.
also not to steal your thunder, check out this article i posted to the news page in July about a guy who can open/read email, use MS Paint, control a television or a limb and more using a chip in his brain...

BrainGate News Article on Dumpshock
Awesome. I had missed that one. Thanks Craig.
I think more applications and more success in these types of areas are a good idea.

Being able to imagine your way through a video game would be nice. I don't know how many times I've made Lara Croft fall into a chasm even though I wanted her to walk straight.
QUOTE (El_Machinae)
I think more applications and more success in these types of areas are a good idea.

Being able to imagine your way through a video game would be nice. I don't know how many times I've made Lara Croft fall into a chasm even though I wanted her to walk straight.

i would be afraid of this...using your 'real' motor functions to do things in a game? like thinking about walking forward and your character does - or think about shooting someone in the game and your character does....

i think my brain would begin to confuse the real world with the game.....

i already do that when i play morrowind for too long - i'll see a plant IRL and for a split-second i'll think i need to pick it's leaves - no kidding! silly.gif
That would be the same thing that we do while dreaming. We shut off the input to the muscles w/o shutting off the brain parts controlling movement.
QUOTE (El_Machinae @ Oct 14 2006, 11:55 AM)
That would be the same thing that we do while dreaming.  We shut off the input to the muscles w/o shutting off the brain parts controlling movement.

QUOTE ("morpheus")
Have you ever had a dream...that you were so sure was real?...What if you were unable to wake from that dream...? How would you know the difference between the dream-world and the real-world?
hope there isnt a technical problem that keeps the muscles turned off after you turn off the computer frown.gif

that being said, this technology is right up there with imersive hologram enviroments and dynamic gravity fields on my christmas list.
I am a butterfly dreaming that I am a man.

Sometimes, in the middle of the night, I secretly regret not being paralyzed or otherwise disabled enough to be used as a test subject for these sorts of things. Not enough that I'd actually prefer it, but it's still there.

QUOTE (Kagetenshi)
I am a butterfly dreaming that I am a man.

Sometimes, in the middle of the night, I secretly regret not being paralyzed or otherwise disabled enough to be used as a test subject for these sorts of things. Not enough that I'd actually prefer it, but it's still there.


I keep eyeing the chainsaw in the garage, m'self.
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