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Now that that's over with, onto the fun. When you guys post, I'd like you to use this format for your header.
Thursday 8/14/70 18:57:19 'This styple of date/time stamp'
Character Name - Class - 'Lobo, put your TM PAN status here'
PAN: Active, Passive or Hidden
Character List
Kerrigan - Mage
Lobo - Technomancer
Danni - Rigger
Armani - Face
Now onto the guidelines...
1 - Important - If you have any complaints or gripes about how I am doing something, PM me. I will be more than happy to talk it out through a Civil PM than an argument on the OCC thread.
2 - If you wish to purchase anything with the Karma you earn throughout the game, PM me with the ammount you wish to spend and what you want to buy with it. Sometimes you might not be able to buy it at that point in time due to IC situations. (Upgrading your pistol skill while at the Johnson's meeting...)
3 - Purchasing equipment during gameplay requires availability rolls to see if you get it. First OCC with what you want to buy, how you intend to perchase it (Legaly through fake SIN, through Fixer, etc), and how much you intend to spend on it in 25% incriments. (100%, 125%, up to 350%)
I'll calculate how long it takes and how much it costs and post back. You can perform a negotiation's test to try and drop the price, but if the other guy gets more hits prepare for a higher price.
4 - If the item you wish to purchase has mods that go with it (Armor, Glasses, Hearing enhancements, and some cyber), you add in all the mods into the base item to determine Availability and interval (based off of total price)
Armor note: Starting now, your total ranks in mods cannot exceed your Ballistic and Impact armor combined. (Armored Jacket B8+I6=14 total ranks of mods)
5 - Last but not least, don't let your OCC knowledge affect your IC knowledge. Just cause you the player knows that one of your teammates might have a grudge against you and planning something, doesnt mean that your character knows. Meta-gaming is bad, M'kay?
If an issue comes up during gameplay, I will do my best to rule fairly and quickly to keep gameplay going.
Now then, if you guys have any questions before I create the IC post (Probably be a couple of days), feel free to ask away and I'll try to answer them.