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Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Welcome to the Shadows
Ok, guys. First off, I'm going to repost the War history for easy access.

[ Spoiler ]

Now that that's over with, onto the fun. When you guys post, I'd like you to use this format for your header.

Thursday 8/14/70 18:57:19 'This styple of date/time stamp'
Character Name - Class - 'Lobo, put your TM PAN status here'
PAN: Active, Passive or Hidden

Character List
Kerrigan - Mage
Lobo - Technomancer
Danni - Rigger
Armani - Face

Now onto the guidelines...

1 - Important - If you have any complaints or gripes about how I am doing something, PM me. I will be more than happy to talk it out through a Civil PM than an argument on the OCC thread.

2 - If you wish to purchase anything with the Karma you earn throughout the game, PM me with the ammount you wish to spend and what you want to buy with it. Sometimes you might not be able to buy it at that point in time due to IC situations. (Upgrading your pistol skill while at the Johnson's meeting...)

3 - Purchasing equipment during gameplay requires availability rolls to see if you get it. First OCC with what you want to buy, how you intend to perchase it (Legaly through fake SIN, through Fixer, etc), and how much you intend to spend on it in 25% incriments. (100%, 125%, up to 350%)
I'll calculate how long it takes and how much it costs and post back. You can perform a negotiation's test to try and drop the price, but if the other guy gets more hits prepare for a higher price.

4 - If the item you wish to purchase has mods that go with it (Armor, Glasses, Hearing enhancements, and some cyber), you add in all the mods into the base item to determine Availability and interval (based off of total price)
Armor note: Starting now, your total ranks in mods cannot exceed your Ballistic and Impact armor combined. (Armored Jacket B8+I6=14 total ranks of mods)

5 - Last but not least, don't let your OCC knowledge affect your IC knowledge. Just cause you the player knows that one of your teammates might have a grudge against you and planning something, doesnt mean that your character knows. Meta-gaming is bad, M'kay?

If an issue comes up during gameplay, I will do my best to rule fairly and quickly to keep gameplay going.
Now then, if you guys have any questions before I create the IC post (Probably be a couple of days), feel free to ask away and I'll try to answer them.
QUOTE (Konsaki @ Oct 15 2006, 07:32 PM)
(Upgrading your pistol skill while at the Johnson's meeting...)

Maybe if the meeting goes wrong? rotfl.gif

3 - Purchasing equipment during gameplay requires availability rolls to see if you get it. First OCC with what you want to buy, how you intend to perchase it (Legaly through fake SIN, through Fixer, etc), and how much you intend to spend on it in 25% incriments. (100%, 125%, up to 350%)
I'll calculate how long it takes and how much it costs and post back. You can perform a negotiation's test to try and drop the price, but if the other guy gets more hits prepare for a higher price.

3) is the only item I would like to ask you to reconsider, simply because it makes no sense to me. Let me explain...

Say, we got two runners, Joe the Brute (Cha 1, no skill in social skills whatsoever) and Jane the Fair (Cha 4, Negotiation 2, alright, but not great). Both buy the same item through the same dealer (professional Fixer with Cha 5, Negotiation 5).

Who is going to get the better price?

Joe, who doesn't even try, or Jane who tries to negotiate for a better price? Surely not Joe, right?

The best Joe should be able to get, is to draw equal with Jane. Jane, however, should at least have a chance to be better (unless she rolls a critical glitch, maybe, that would make things a little different).

That's why I would handle it like this: ALWAYS apply the Negotiation skill of the seller in some fashion to determine the maximum price for the item (that's what Joe will pay, if he isn't smart enough to let Jane buy his stuff), and then let the runner's Negotiation skill allow him or her to drop the price down some. Makes more sense that way, I think. smile.gif

4 - If the item you wish to purchase has mods that go with it (Armor, Glasses, Hearing enhancements, and some cyber), you add in all the mods into the base item to determine Availability and interval (based off of total price)
Armor note: Starting now, your total ranks in mods cannot exceed your Ballistic and Impact armor combined. (Armored Jacket B8+I6=14 total ranks of mods)

I suppose this also applies to armor we already have (because that puts me 2 points over with my armor). No big deal, though, I will just drop that down accordingly. smile.gif

Now then, if you guys have any questions before I create the IC post (Probably be a couple of days), feel free to ask away and I'll try to answer them.

One question... no two... ok, make that three...

1) How should we make dice rolls? I like to use the Invisible Castle online dice roller (with database, so the rolls are saved and can be checked that way) and do that in other games. Also, when I summon a spirit, should I simply make all dice rolls (including the spirit's resistance rolls), to speed up things?

2) And how do we handle Edge (especially when does it refresh)?

3) Upgrading stuff (i.e. same item from Rating 2 to Rating 3). Cyberware, Armor modifications that should be installed later, Foci (is it even possible to upgrade foci?). Any idea how you want to handle this? This is also important for Availability tests. If you simply pay the difference (that's how I would do it on the costs side, except maybe for some specific items, where it doesn't really fit), what price do you base the Availability test on... the complete price of the resulting item or just the difference (I would use the complete price here for Rating upgrades and the difference for modifications, that can be bought seperately).

And finally, I'm looking forward to get this started. Thanks for the detailed information, that's always handy. smile.gif

Ok, negotiations - This is how I see buying stuff going down.

Pretty much, all of you are buying things that are R or F illegally due to your profession and the plain fact that some things are illegal to buy or own.

Sam the Sam (Cha 2 + Neg 1) wants to buy a 1000 nuyen.gif gun from his 3/3 fixer.
Grace the Face (Cha 5 + Neg 4) wants to buy the same gun from the same 3/3 face.

Sam wants his faster, so he tells his fixer he is willing to pay 200% the cost of the item. (2000) This gives his fixer 4 extra dice to roll for availability.
Grace doesnt really care about how fast she gets it, so she is only going to pay 100% or 1000 nuyen.gif

Sam gets his in 3 days and the total price after gameworld modifications (F rating, been a black market shortage, etc) his fixer says it will cost him 2500 total. Bob has the cash on hand and just pays the price.
Grace gets hers in 5 days and with world mods, the fixer wants 1250. Grace uses her fast talking negotiation skills to talk him down to 1100.

Grace payed less than half what Sam did, but got the item later than he did. Thats how I see the purchasing items illegally.

1 - When you make dice rolls, roll them yourself and post them in the following format:
Negotiation check
Charisma + Negotiation + anything else = 10 dice 'do not put the skill rank by your skill, I have your sheets and can figure it out'
1,4,2,1,4,6,1,5,1,1 - 2 hits (Glitch) 'dont order the dice by number. if you physicaly roll them, start from the dice closest to you and go outward. This way, I can reduce your total from the right or add more if there are hidden mods'
That being said, you can use hidden castle if you want, but I dont think I can access it from work due to firewalls.
Also, roll the spirit/sprite resistance and your drains. If you set out a plan of action out to 5 turns and at turn 3 something happens that destroys your plan, you can change your plans.

2 - Ah Edge... Basicly, Edge is your character's luck. I wont be refreshing it every day IC, and it's going to be a valuable commodity. I'm not going to say out right how often it will refresh.
Use it as you see fit, but remember that it cant save your life if you dont have it.

3 - When upgrading stuff, plan on paying full price for the upgraded item, but you can sell your old stuff for 50% of its full price plus taking into account mods for damage, wear, current market demand, and your own negotiation skills.
This is taking into account having to change out parts, labor, handling and such.
Note: You cannot do this with Bioware. For Bioware you pay the difference between the two ranks + 20% to figure your base price, then negotiate from there. You still use the availability and full price to determine how fast you get it though.

With the Negotiation stuff above, I mostly meant this part here (in bold):

You can perform a negotiation's test to try and drop the price, but if the other guy gets more hits prepare for a higher price.

So, to go with your above example... is it possible, that Grace pays more than 1250¥ after Negotiations (let's assume no Glitching here), if the Fixer has more hits?

Or is the 1250¥ already *including* the Fixer's roll, and Grace only rolls to reduce the price now (un-opposed)?

HERE you can check, if you can access Invisible Castle. I had rolled Kerrigan's starting Nuyen there.

Life's a gamble, are you going to roll?
The fixer might be giving you a discount already because he feels he owes you something. (You might have saved his hide by completing the last run successfully) If you push your luck and fail (he made more successes than you) he might have brought up some little favors you still owe him and talk the price up to cover some of them.
Glitches and Crit Glitches are another can of worms that I'm not going to open up right now for this subject.
Alright. I should have everything ready to go now.

ready to go here, any chance of an easy access player name/character name/specialty list?
Give me a bit and I'll put a list on the first post.
Edit: Done.
You have mistyped Armani up there (Armoni wink.gif).

Ok, the IC is up, and a couple of you have found it already.

Thanee - its still your move in the IC. you can RP a conversation with your contact some more if you like, but its all you unless you request something.

De Badd Ass - Same thing, its your play.
Yey we're off!
I'll post my rolls for the searches here if you wish, once my dice are to hand, unles you'd prefer me to use an online roller.
Well, it seems I can access invisible castle from work, so if you guys want to use that go ahead.
Posts are up, you guys are all in control of IC. You can have your characters do whatever they want up untill the meet, unless they require a roll of some sort. Post what you want to do here, or if you feel the need, PM me with your actions and rolls.
As for any data searches, I will PM you with what you find. Just throw your rolls in OCC.
Okay roll for first search on this Victoria 8 dice 0 hits
roll here

and my second search on the Longhorn Saloon. Again 8 dice. 4 hits this time.
and its here

The data searches are fine, I'll PM you later with the results.
First set is for Victoria, second set is for Longhorn Saloon, right?

Also, PM me with what type of sprite it is, and which optional CF you are chosing from the list attached to that Sprite.
De Badd Ass
Wednesday 26/3/70 15:42:10
Lobo - Hidden
Vector Xim: Passive

Matrix Perception test 26/3/70 15:42:10 (2,6,5,2,5,5,5,3,4,5,4)
QUOTE (Konsaki)
Thanee - its still your move in the IC. you can RP a conversation with your contact some more if you like, but its all you unless you request something.

Yep, will post more soon. smile.gif

Hey there!

Any chance we could get this moving again? smile.gif

De Badd Ass
QUOTE (Thanee)
Hey there!

Any chance we could get this moving again? smile.gif


That would be up to Konsaki. I am ready.
I will be the first to admit my failings. The major one being my loss of interest in GMing a forum game. Maybe I'm not suited for GMing things over the net and considering how this died off in Oct, I sorta forgot about it.
I do thank you for your hard work in creating your characters and bearing with me, but I'm afraid I must declare this game closed due to my own failing.
Thank you for trying then. It certainly was looking to become a fun game. But if you are not really behind it anymore, there's no point in continuing, sad as it is. smile.gif

What Thanee said, thanks for at least giving it a go, I'll have to try to use Dani in some other game.
De Badd Ass

Lobo has left the building. Don't cry. He has been reincarnated as Fooey in the Land of Nine Dragons.

EDIT: It would really have been interesting to play a Lobo in this game considering our discussion in the sprite thread.
No problem, thanks for the effort anyway. Armani will have another life one day or another.
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