Moderator people, apologies if this doesn't fit here.
WAR (World Alliances and Rivalries) is looking for players.
What is WAR, you ask?
Well, WAR is a PBEM of international geopolitics. From war (which doesn't happen often, but it does occasionally) to diplomacy to...Well, lots else, we cover the whole spectrum. From catfights and crazy ideas in the UN, to domestic scandal and issues...We do it all. And on that note....If you can think of a (real-world) country, you can probably play it (assuming someone else isn't already playing it, of course). If you don't WANT to lead a country, and someone else is already leading one, you can be...a legislator. A cabinet member. And so forth.
Now then, an additional inducement.
We've just restarted. What that means: October 18, 2003 at 9:48 PM Eastern time, we broke from real life.
What that also means: Play has JUST resumed. You can get in on the ground floor if you join now.
Want to know more?
Email me, or head by our website.