Oct 23 2003, 09:41 PM
IM Iamafish56. We have 2 players thus far.
Oct 24 2003, 02:35 AM
For what type of game?
Which messanging service is this we're supposed to use?
Oct 24 2003, 03:13 AM
If it is any type of internet game I am interested. Again, what messaging service are we suppose to contact you?
Oct 24 2003, 03:21 AM
You on MSN messenger?
Oct 24 2003, 09:11 AM
Sorry, I din't think I had an account and asked someone else to quickly post this for me, remind me never to do that again.
Anyway, I was looking for a 3rd or 4th player for an online game (probably AIM chat), that is to take place at roughly 10pm GMT Saturdays.
the games would use the core rules + possibly a couple of pieces of gear from other sources. Using priority system.
and a fair amount of patience would be helpful to account for the n00b GM.
Since the first post we have gained a third player but if anyone else wants to join I can accomodate a 4th.
AIM: iamafish56
AIM would be useful since thats the only IM service all 3 players have ATM.
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