A freind and I are currently developing an excel book at the moment based around the idea of being a combat tracker thats used on a laptop during play by the GM (or a very reliable player). Its main aim is to speed up play so that common information that the GM needs to reference about his PCs, Mooks, Bad Guys or Critters is right there on the one tab. (There are back-tabs that will handle the core data that is translated through the sheet to the front end/work page)
We have just tested the proto-type and are now working on some fine tuning/alterations that hopefully will make it a lot more friendly and useful to the adv GM who hates looking through 10 bits of paper for numbers. (And yes... I am also developing a "read me" page to make things easier for the new user.)
My question to the community "as a whole" is what would you find useful in such a tool. We "have" considered adding a "Auto Roller" but have junked that idea as players like to roll the "bones" as it were. Things that we are including are:
Critter Names
Standard Concept NPCS/Critters (IE: Sprawl Ganger, Beat Cop, Barghest etc etc)
Concept NPCS Basic Attribute, Gear, 3 main forms of attack, Cyberware, Armour Stats, Standard Combat Skills, Standard Magic Skills & Powers/Spells of Importance.
For now we are not intersted in adding all the stuff from the Core Book/Street Magic Book and so will not be creating a database of gear/spells/wizpops that you can select for the database. It will be "for the better part of it" a manual imput based sheet that each GM can taylor to his/her/its campaign. (IE: Its not an NPC Generator & being that I run my game in the HK setting I bet you all don't want my "Crazy Fish Monger template!.) There will also be a part on the front end to include modifers suffered in combat.
One of my questions is though, what would other GMs need to quick reference in combat that they would like handled by the sheet.
Another question is what you "would not" like to see.
The floor is open.
Glock-9mm (NZ)