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Full Version: Hey look, Spam on the main forums!
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Dumpshock News, Bug Reports, Feature Requests, & Discussion
emo samurai
It's here.
More spam today, like multiple topics this morning in General Gaming.

Is it possible to somehow require approval for a poster's first couple of messages? Spammers rarely try anything past one or two spams on any given registration.

Not that we are a democracy, but I would vote against making the first couple posts require approval. This would cause a heavier work-load for the admins, as well as, possibly alienate the expanding numbers of people joining us with SR4.
Thanks for your suggestions. We're looking at ways to curtail the spam now, and hopefully there will be a solution soon.

More likely, however, is that we'll continue to see at least some of it until we move to better forum software.

In the meantime, just try to ignore it and we'll continue to nuke it as we see it. smile.gif

QUOTE (McQuillan)
Not that we are a democracy, but I would vote against making the first couple posts require approval.  This would cause a heavier work-load for the admins, as well as, possibly alienate the expanding numbers of people joining us with SR4.

Are we getting so many new applications a day that this is some huge workload?

I moderate nearly a dozen mailing lists myself, all set to moderate the first message. Takes maybe a minute out of my usual maintenance time to deal with post approvals. 100% success rate so far on blocking spammers, and nobody has complained about having their first legitimate post reviewed before going through.

I guess nuking them as they come works for now, but in my experience if the spammers see they can get their posts actually get through, even for a short time, they start doing it in ever exponential numbers. If even one person clicks on a link it's a payoff for them.

QUOTE (KarmaInferno)
Are we getting so many new applications a day that this is some huge workload?

If we don't count the spam accounts, no. smile.gif

IIRC though, it's a matter of what the boards software supports, rather than workload. I'll bring it back up with the other admins to make sure though.
Looks like some slipped over into the MJLBB forums...
Oh heck ya, I've been looking for a good gambling site. silly.gif

Gawd, too bad this is not like in the shadowrun world, then we could hire a team to nail a few spammers. wink.gif
Sad thing is that it's been there for two days already. I PMed the Fistmeister when it first popped up, but he hasn't been logged in since, and I decided it would be fun to see how long it lasted, then tease him mercilessly about it. biggrin.gif
Got it. Thanks! nyahnyah.gif
It was hiding in plain sight. devil.gif cool.gif
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